In Genesis chapter 1, verses 26 and 27, God created man in His own image, male and female to show already that man and woman are one.

In Genesis 2: 18 – 24, “The Lord God said: “ it is not good that the man should be alone…” God Himself made him an help meet for him…” This is to show how God valued fellowship and companionship between man and woman.

Also, in Genesis 2: 21 – 22, the Bible said that woman was taken from man’s ribs. In other words, woman is part of man. Never a man was taken from another man or a woman taken from another woman.

Later on in Genesis 2: 24, man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.

To the light of the above Scriptures, marriage should be between ONE Man and ONE Woman and they shall be ONE FLESH.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Polygamy, Divorce, Homosexuality and all other non sense were not in the picture of marriage. Anything contrary to One Man and One Woman properly united in God sight is a PERVERSION.

This is how to look at this study as we believe by God’s grace will help you understand the concept of Marriage and Divorce as being taught by the Bible and the Prophet of the age. However, we strongly recommend that any one who has a specific personal question about Marriage and Divorce to consult his/her pastor. This is not intended to answer believers’ personal matter regarding Marriage and Divorce issues, but just a quick reference material for our little group.


«  19       †        There’s been so many things you’ve done for me, and I appreciate it. Now, if I can help you towards giving you a prayer cloth or something… Now, don’t ask me doctrine, because I–I don’t desire to do that. So many people writes me questions about marriage and divorce and so forth, which is a tangle in the church; I always refer them back, and say, “Ask your pastor.

People’s wrote me letters here and said, “What about this? And what about that?” I refer the letter back; you’ll get it. See your pastor on little things, because, after all, he’s your shepherd. See, he’s the–he’s the one that God sent to watch over you. And we might disagree upon it, and then that causes confusion in your church. We don’t want that. No, no. We just want you quit doing things that’s sinful, things out of the Bible, just keep moving on towards God. See? And if you cause little frictions and things like that, that upsets the church. So I’d rather your pastor tell you about marriage and divorce, and these things and them things; let him do it. He’s God’s servant too, and he’s equipped to do that.


«  29       †          So, maybe, before we leave… We got to go back now, in about thirty days, you know, back to Arizona. And so if, before I leave, the Lord willing, I would like to take the Scripture. And don’t tape it. If they do, don’t sell the tape. Don’t let it get out. I want to explain the real Truth of marriage and divorce. It’s a question. And this is the last hours, that, “When all the mysteries of God should be finished.” And yesterday, coming up across the mountains, about daylight, the Holy Spirit seemed to say to me, “Tape that and lay it away,” I don’t know why, but, “the real Truth of marriage and divorce.”

30    Some of them says, “People can marry, if they can swear they was in adultery.” And others says, “Well, if they mistreat one another, and–and they can’t live together; it’s better to live, earth, in peace, than live in hell on earth.” And all those different questions! And some marry them just any old way. And some wants to sprinkle holy water on them, and turn them back, and say, “They never was married.” And blessed them, and turn them over to the church again. There’s all kind of confusion. But, if there’s that much confusion, there’s a Truth somewhere.

31    I believe, and say this with reverence, I believe the Lord has revealed it to me, and I… the Truth. And if it would get amongst the churches, it’d tear the thing to pieces. Which, maybe it ought to be. But it’s… I’d rather just let the pastors, just let the pastors of the churches, get the tape. And let them play it, and then they can lead from there on. But I’d like to just tape that, to show the real Truth of it. I believe this is the hour when these “mysteries are to be finished,” completed. They been struck on, as we said, down through the ages, of the tapes, as we’ve brought those Seven Seals, and Seven Church Ages.


«  39       †    See what the Lord said about this, Marriage And Divorce. It’s more sacred than people think it is….


74      Marriage is the oldest institution in the world. Marriage was performed first, and instituted, in the garden of Eden.


«  39       †        280. Very urgent: Brother Branham, knowing that time is ending and eternity setting in, what would be your advice for a couple planning marriage?

Go right ahead and get married. See? Go right on just like if you was going to live for another hundred years here on earth. Just go right on; keep your heart set on Christ, not your hearts on these things of the world, but on Christ. See? Go right on; get married, children. God bless you in your we


This section will provide some general guidance or points to consider before making a choice. This concerns how a young man or a young woman should base his/her choice as he/she plans to enter into marriage. This is very critical because the future marriage life will depend on this choice.


48    We got so many things we have to do, so much responsibility that we have to face. Everybody has got to face a certain responsibility.

49    When you–when you come to–to choose your wife, to get married, or choose your husband, you–you’ve got to take a responsibility. And then you must remember… Maybe you build a home; it’s a nice pretty home. And then, remember, as a married woman, you got to think of the responsibility of raising children. And you got to think of them pretty, slick walls is going to have little, dirty handprints all over them. Then you got the responsibility of educating your children. You got the responsibility of clothing and feeding.

50    Everything is a responsibility. And it’s so easy, when the responsibilities face us, to shirk from them. And we find out that marriage is a responsibility, in all manners.



«  E-43       †        Now, uncertainty… The American home today is uncertain. A man marrying a wife, it–it sure is a problem, certainly is. Or a woman marrying a man, it’s certainly an uncertain thing. They even got it in the–the marriage ceremony now, “I take him for better or worse.” There’s a question on it, uncertain. Be good to pray through on it, don’t you think so? Think that would be better. Pray through. But it’s uncertain.

Homes are broke up, remarriage, constantly all the time. Uncertainty of home life. America leads the world in divorce cases. All the rest of the world, America leads it.


«  E-25       †        A man, now days, getting married… You young fellows, you better pray a long time. Ask God to give you a companion. You young women, the same way, ’cause it is so uncertain.


«  362       †          Marriage is honorable, but it should be entered prayerfully and reverently. And genuine love for that woman will bind you together forever. “What you bind on the earth, I’ll bind in Heaven.” When you walk down the street yonder, she may get old and gray and wrinkled, but that same love you had for her when she was a young, beautiful woman, you’ll still have it.


46      Now, if the spiritual or… The natural is a type of the spiritual. Then, thechoosing of a bride, in the natural, is a type of choosing a Bride, the Bride, in the spiritual.

47    Now, it’s a serious thing when we go to choose a wife, a man, for the vows here is until death do we part. That’s how we should keep it. And you take that vow before God, that only death will separate you. And I think we should. A man in his right mind, that’s planning a future, that he should choose that wife very careful. Be careful what you’re doing. And a woman choosing a husband, or accepting the choice of a husband, should be real careful what she’s doing, and especially in these days. A man should think and pray before he chooses a wife.


  48      I think, today, what’s got so many divorce cases now, that we lead the world in America, in divorce cases. We lead the rest of the world. There’s more divorces here than anywhere else, this nation, and supposed to be, and thought of, a Christian nation. What a reproach, our divorce court! I think, the reason of it, is because that men has got away from God, and women has got away from God.

49    And we find, that, if a man prayed and a woman prayed over the matter; not just look at a pretty set of eyes, or big strong shoulders, or such as that, or some other worldly affection; but would look first to God, and say, “God, is this Your plan?”


  51      And if we would study what we’re doing when we’re going to get married, when we choose our wife, our husband, if we’d study it over! A man should pray earnestly, for he could ruin his entire life. Remember, the vow is “until death do we part,” and he could ruin his life by making the wrong choice. But if he knows what, he making the wrong choice and is marrying a woman that isn’t fit to be his wife, and he does it anyhow, then it’s his fault. If the woman takes a husband and knows that he’s not fit to be a husband to you, then that’s your own fault, after you know what’s right and wrong. So, you shouldn’t do it until you thoroughly pray through.


  79      But, you know, you have to plan, look, pray, when you’re choosing. For, we see, by this, the Word of promise. She, the bride that a man would choose, is going to reflect his character. It reflects what’s in him.


  E-20    Now, God’s got to judge the world someday by something. And if He’s going to judge it by the church, then what church is He going to judge it by?

The Catholic church says, “We’re it.” The Lutheran says, “We’re it.” The Methodists said, “We’re it.” The Baptists said, “We’re it.” The Pentecostals said, “We’re it.” And there’s about thirty, or forty, or maybe fifty different “its” in that “it” (See?), branches of it. So who is “it”?

Now, there’s so much confusion there, till a man could not base any faith upon confusion. If you’re confused about whether the girl you was going to marry was going to be a lady or not, you better leave her alone: same thing to the man. You’ve got to have something to base faith on.



31    I said, “That may be all right, all the outward motions. He might be identified as a believer with the believers. But until he is regenerated, born again, I’d advise that young man to never marry a woman. He’ll make Hell on earth for her, until that gentle, sweet, forgiving Spirit of Christ comes in. Then that will be a paradox in itself, to take the very nature of a boy that’s bred between father and mother. And yet, in his intellectuals, he is trying his best to overcome it. He can’t do it. He’ll never overcome it. Christ will have to overcome it. When he lets Christ in, then he’s already overcome then. It’ll be a perfect paradox, when a man is born of the Spirit of God.


58      Again, the kind of woman that a man would choose, will reflect his ambition and his character. If a man chooses the wrong woman, it reflects his character. And what he ties himself to, shows truly what’s in him. A woman reflects what’s in the man when he chooses her for wife. It shows what’s down in him. No matter what he says outside, watch what he married.

62    Now, for, it is becoming, if a Christian would choose a wife, he ought to choose a genuine, born-again woman, regardless of what she looks like. It’s what she is, what makes her. And then, again, that reflects his own godly character, and reflects what’s in his mind and what’s going to be in the future, for his family will be raised by such a woman, for the future plans for his home.

63    If he marries one of these little modern rickettas, sex queens, what could he expect? What kind of a home could a man expect to have? If he marries a girl that ain’t got enough moral about her to stay home and take care of a house, and wants to work out in somebody’s office, what kind of a housekeeper will she be? You’ll have baby-sitters and everything else. True.

68    If a man marries a sex queen, you see what he’s looking for for the future. If a man marries a woman that won’t stay home, you see what he’s looking for in the future. And I one time…

69    This sounds awful. I just feel to say it. And I–I, usually, if I feel to say the thing, I ought to say it. And it’s usually God’s way.

70    I–I used to go with a rancher that I worked with, to buy cattle. And I noticed the old fellow always looking right in the face of a heifer before he went to bidding. Then he turned her head, and looked back and forth. I followed him along, watched him. And he looked her up and down, if she looked all right, the statue. Then he turned and looked her in the face, and sometime he’d shake his head and walk away.

I said, “Jeff, I want to ask you something.”

He said, “Say on, Bill.”

71    And I said, “Why you always look that cow in the face?” I said, “She looks all right, a good–good heavy cow.”

72    Said, “I want to tell you, boy, you got a lot to learn.” And I–I realized it after he told me. Said, “I don’t care how she’s made up. She might be beef, plumb to the hoof. But if she’s got that wild stare in her face, don’t you never buy her.”

Said, “Why so, Jeff?”

73    “Well,” said, “the first thing is,” said, “she’ll never stay put.” And he said, “The next thing is, she’ll never be a mammy to her calf.” And said, “They put her in a pen now, the reason she’s fat. You turn her loose, with that wild stare, she’d run herself to death.”

74    I said, “You know, I kind of learned something. I believe that applies to women, too.” Right. Right.


  163      If any Christian would marry a woman like that, it shows he’s fallen from grace. His taste of God and his taste of a home, what a home ought to be, is far, when he choose a woman like that. No, sir. She sure wouldn’t fit a Christian’s taste. Her spiritual character is the lowest ebb, dead, in denominational beauty and lust of the world.



  E-12    A few days ago I was listening to a program on the radio, coming to Sunday school, and it was a round table discussion with teen-agers in Louisville. A–what was one of the most important things, was a girl to find the boy with the curly hair, or the boy, the girl with the pretty blue or brown eyes? Did that make the difference? It seems like that that would be the great thing to a teen-ager. But that isn’t the greatest thing. The greatest thing is find your God, your Maker.

Don’t mix marry. Marry a boy that believes just exactly like you do, for after all, God is the main important thing that we are in the earth to do, is to serve Him. And if you do marry or anything contrary to that, you’ll pay for it in the days that lays ahead of you. You must always remember, by faith and not by sight. The just shall live by faith. And we look at the Unseen.


  E-7    Now, we find that Israel was not to mix marriage. Their marriage was to be among one another, not no Israelite to ever marry a Gentile, but was to keep their bloodstream clean. And even till this day I believe the Jewish bloodstream is the cleanest blood–bloodstream on the face of the earth today, is the Jews. They’re still looking for that Messiah. But He’s… We know that He is already come, and their eyes were blinded that we could have a chance of repentance through Christ.


  5    And then in his wedding, instead of marrying among his own people, he went over and married a sinner, an idolater, worship of idols. He married Jezebel. And she was not a believer.

And no believer should ever marry an unbeliever, under no circumstances: should always marry believers.

But Ahab had done this evil thing. And no doubt but what Jezebel was a beautiful woman. And he’d fell for what she looked like in the stead of what she was. That’s… So many people make that same mistake to this day.


«  E-16       †        Now, this borderline believer, as I called him a few moments ago, oh, he kindy had a mental conception of his theology, that he thought, “Well, there is a God, but maybe Baalim is god too, and the others is so forth.” And his wife kindy got him mixed up in that.

You know, boys, I’m telling you tonight, and you young ladies, be careful who you marry; you’ll have a broken home the first thing you know. And it’s not good to–sinners and Christians to marry together. Don’t be unequally yoked together, ’cause that’s what got Ahab. She was pretty little thing, yes, paint all over her face, eyes like a lizard, but she was a… The thing of it was, that…

Did you know what? That’s the truth. That’s the… Ahab just fell for her, because she was, perhaps, pretty, because he couldn’t have fell for her for character, ’cause she was a murderer; she was everything else. That’s right. And Ahab fell for her because she was pretty. And then, he got hisself infatuated with her, and then she just ruled him with her finger.


  215      Notice. The Devil, in a form of–of Raamses, a king, the first thing he done was get rid of the children, with a natural death. And as soon as the Son of God was born… He had moved from Egypt, ’cause God destroyed Egypt, cursed it. It’s never come back, since. Then he was in Rome; Satan moved his–his seat up to Rome. And the first thing Rome did, to destroy it all, to get, be sure; the Devil, in that Roman system, tried to destroy (what?) the Son of God, to begin with. The same Devil!

216    And, today, he’s done the same thing, under the sign of spirit now, religious, professing Christianity, and taking our girls and marrying them to Catholic boys, and make them bring their children Catholic, to break the power of the other side. There is your demon. There is your Devil seated on seven hills, wearing triple crowns, just as slick and cunning, smart, intellectual like the serpent; the seed of the serpent, his children, using the same intellectual techniques. Look.


  217      Then they kill the children, in the other two times. They kill the children with what? Two time. Now remember, watch that two, and them three. See? He killed the children, the first two times, with natural death. And this last time, he’s getting the children and kill them with spiritual death, marrying, inter-marrying.


«  E-13       †        And this time came, and Abraham was determined that he did not want his son to marry an unbeliever. That would be good decision for a Christians today, who are sons and daughters of Abraham, to make the same decision about their children.

Now, it didn’t make any difference how pretty those unbelieving girls were, and how nice a women they were, but Abraham did not want his son connected with that kind of stuff. And so he had to make a time of decision on who he should marry.



10    Just like a man choosing a wife, to marry. Why, he, he has got to have faith in that woman, he marries her, he certainly is fixing hisself for a lot of trouble. See? So he’s got to, you got to have faith, some solid facts, some faith to base it upon; upon her word, upon what somebody else has said, or something. He’s got to have something to place his face on, faith on.


«  E-17       †        You men here, that’s married, why did you marry your wife? You had confidence and faith that she’d make a real wife and mother, and so forth. Women, back to your husbands, the same way… Sweethearts are thinking of marriage. You’re studying the man you’ll marry, or the girl you’ll marry. You must have faith in them, or you better not marry them. See?


  E-20    Now, God’s got to judge the world someday by something. And if He’s going to judge it by the church, then what church is He going to judge it by?

The Catholic church says, “We’re it.” The Lutheran says, “We’re it.” The Methodists said, “We’re it.” The Baptists said, “We’re it.” The Pentecostals said, “We’re it.” And there’s about thirty, or forty, or maybe fifty different “its” in that “it” (See?), branches of it. So who is “it”?

Now, there’s so much confusion there, till a man could not base any faith upon confusion. If you’re confused about whether the girl you was going to marry was going to be a lady or not, you better leave her alone: same thing to the man. You’ve got to have something to base faith on.


«  88       †          So, but now, a good woman is a jewel in a man’s crown. She should be honored. She… My mother’s a woman, my wife is, and they’re lovely. And I’ve got thousands of Christian Sisters who I highly respect. But if–if they can respect what God made them, a motherhood and a real queen, that’s all right. She’s one of the best things that God could give a man, was a wife. Besides salvation, a wife is the best thing if she is a good wife. But if she isn’t, Solomon said, “A good woman is a jewel in a man’s crown, but a–an ornery one or no-good one is water in his blood.” And that’s right, it’s the worst thing could happen. So a good woman… If you’ve got a good wife, brother, you ought to respect her with the highest. That’s right, you should do that. A real woman! And, children, if you’ve got a real mother that stays home and tries to take care of you, keeping your clothes clean, sends you to school, teaching you about Jesus, you should honor that sweet old mother with all that’s in you. You should respect that woman, yes, sir, because she’s a real mother.



«  E-13       †        And now, it said here, that the–that Christ entered once for all into the–the tabernacle. Now, we find out that the– fellowship is based upon an agreement. It has to be that way, ’cause fellowship is something that we like to do: come together. It’s just like a young man and a young woman meeting each other and they’re a… They love one another, and they just can’t keep out of one another’s sight. We know, brethren, how we felt, and sisters, how you felt when you met your husband, and–and there’s a fellowship. Every night, you just can’t wait till time for your date, and you want to take her somewhere to get something to eat, and you can set and talk and you watch her. A–it’s–it’s fellowship. See?

And now, before there can be a fellowship, it has to be based upon an agreement (See?), upon an agreement. And that’s just as true as it can be. And God, before we could have fellowship with him, it first, all what makes us want fellowship is, because it’s something in us that requires it.


«  E-14       †        Now, fellowship in love affairs, like a young man and a young woman, that’s fellowship and what we would call (the Greek word of) “phileo;” that’s just a earthly love.

But fellowship in the Gospel like this is “Agapao,” the Greek, “high, Divine love,’ as I spoke the other night of my vision. When you’re in there, it’s neither male nor female. They’re–they’re–we’re just all one in Christ. And we’re–should get acquainted with that kind of a fellowship here on earth, while we must have respects for each other, and love for one another, and highest of thoughts for our sisters and our brothers, and never any foul thing. We must not let it even come into our minds; just brush it away. Because we are citizens of the Kingdom of God; we are a called out and separated people. That’s the reason we could come in with Christian dignity, with real men and real women with the highest of thoughts and the–and the best for each other. That’s the way we should have it.


«  E-18       †        Now, l–lov–fellowship comes by love. And love requires fellowship. If you love your wife, you’ve just got to get with her and talk with her. If you love your friend, you’ve got to get with him and talk to him. And if you love God, there’s got to be a basis for fellowship. You cannot have complete fellowship and–and livelihood without these agreements.

You cannot be married without an agreement. You cannot have a wife without some kind of an agreement. And that agreement is based upon your vow.


«  362       †          Marriage is honorable, but it should be entered prayerfully and reverently. And genuine love for that woman will bind you together forever. “What you bind on the earth, I’ll bind in Heaven.” When you walk down the street yonder, she may get old and gray and wrinkled, but that same love you had for her when she was a young, beautiful woman, you’ll still have it.


«  81       †          Now, marriage, in one sense, is a type. The earthly marriage here is a type of the heavenly marriage. Now let’s go over it, just for a few moments, to rehearse it a moment.

82    The first thing there is, there must be a decision made. The first thing, takes, in natural marriage, is a decision has to be made. The young lady has to make her decision, whether she wants this young man; and the young man, whether he wants the young woman. There has to be a decision made, and you have to make it. She must be the only woman in the world that you love, and he must be the only man. If it isn’t, then you made a wrong decision.


«  E-39       †        The world’s a looking for something today. When your little wife told you she’d be your sweetheart and wife, she was looking for somebody to love her. And when you promised your husband, he was looking for somebody when he come in tired and weary from working all day, some little wife to put her arms around him and kindy brush his hair back, and tell him how much she loved him.

That’s what causes separation in families, is the neglect of love. That’s what causes the separation in churches: neglect of love. We’ve got to have love.


«  43       †          A young man asked me the other day, said, “You think I could, ought to get married, Brother Branham, to such-and-such a girl?”

I said, “How much do you think of her?”

He said, “Oh, my, I just love her.”

I said, “Well, if you’re not going to live without her, you better marry her then. But if you can live without her, you better not. So, but if it’s going to kill you, you better–you better go ahead and get married,” I said. And so what I was trying to get to him, this, that, if you love her so much.

44    Now, right now, before you’re married, everything is just fine and dandy. But after you get married, then the toils and trials of life come in. That’s when you’ve got to be so in love that you understand one another. When you’re disappointed in her, she disappointed in you, you still understand one another.


35    We take, for instance, the marriage for union. We find out that, the marriage; we find the courtship, and the agreements, and then the marriage. Then it should settle it for all the time. Now, that’s the same thing it is with Christ and the Church. See? A courtship, God calling to our hearts; we surrender; the marriage ceremony, and the Bride takes the Bridegroom’s Name. See? See? See? There it is, that makes the Bride. Now, always the bride takes the bridegroom’s name.


In every marriage, there are FOUR important steps to observe:

  1. Decision (often referred to as “Frequentation”) or Courtship
  2. Engagement;
  3. Vows or Promises;
  4. Ceremony.

Before any contact could be made between a boy and a girl, we strongly recommend that the boy to first express his intention of marriage to his pastor and then to the parents of the girl. This shows how serious the matter has to be considered. In addition, this will eliminate other confusions such as a boy or a girl dating more than one person at the same time.


«  19       †        There’s been so many things you’ve done for me, and I appreciate it. Now, if I can help you towards giving you a prayer cloth or something… Now, don’t ask me doctrine, because I–I don’t desire to do that. So many people writes me questions about marriage and divorce and so forth, which is a tangle in the church; I always refer them back, and say, “Ask your pastor.”

People’s wrote me letters here and said, “What about this? And what about that?” I refer the letter back; you’ll get it. See your pastor on little things, because, after all, he’s your shepherd. See, he’s the–he’s the one that God sent to watch over you. And we might disagree upon it, and then that causes confusion in your church. We don’t want that. No, no. We just want you quit doing things that’s sinful, things out of the Bible, just keep moving on towards God. See? And if you cause little frictions and things like that, that upsets the church. So I’d rather your pastor tell you about marriage and divorce, and these things and them things; let him do it. He’s God’s servant too, and he’s equipped to do that.


  E-39    And then, after the decision is made that you are, then comes the engagement. That… You find that at the altar. You’ve got to make an engagement before this union can be. And that’s the way it is with Christ’s church. It has to be an engagement with Christ, a–a pledge, an engagement, a love affair.

And then the next thing is, is promises made. There has to be promises made to one another, like that you make promise, “Sweetheart, if you’ll marry me, I promise that I’ll be loyal and true. I will look upon no other woman.”

Or, “I’ll look upon no other man. And I’ll do all that as a duty as a wife. If we have children, it’ll do all as a duty as a–as a mother. I–I’ll be a housekeeper.” All these promises has got to be made, or should be, in a correct wedding.


  E-44    But, you see, first, decision’s made, next engagement, then promise, and then the ceremony. And that’s when the bride–bride takes the bridegroom’s name. She is no more then of her own name; she takes the bridegroom’s name.

And then when the church has the ceremony, makes their promises, then she takes the Bridegroom’s Name. Then she’s no longer a church of the world; she’s the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Not… I don’t mean that by Name; I mean that by birth, by nature, by the power of God. By the revealed truth of God in the heart she becomes a Christian church, the great, universal apostolic Christian church. She becomes a part of Christ. When she does that, she… Christ injects into her His own Spirit, His own life. And the Bible said to Adam and Eve there, “You’re no longer twain, but one.” And when the woman, church, is married to Christ, they’re no longer two. They are one: Christ in you. Amen. That’s it. His life has been brought into you. Then you become the bride.


This is the very first step as the young boy is talking with the young girl. This is just an INTENTION of possible marriage. This step can be stopped and each one is free of any marriage bondage.

Decision should be based upon each concerned person’s free will and under no other influence but the leadership of the Holy Spirit.  There is no love involved yet. This is just to learn about one another in order to see if there are points of interest and mutual attraction between the potential couple.


«  81       †          Now, marriage, in one sense, is a type. The earthly marriage here is a type of the heavenly marriage. Now let’s go over it, just for a few moments, to rehearse it a moment.

82    The first thing there is, there must be a decision made. The first thing, takes, in natural marriage, is a decision has to be made. The young lady has to make her decision, whether she wants this young man; and the young man, whether he wants the young woman. There has to be a decision made, and you have to make it. She must be the only woman in the world that you love, and he must be the only man. If it isn’t, then you made a wrong decision.


  8-5    A young man asked me the other day, said, “You think I could–ought to get married, Brother Branham, to such-and-such a girl?

I said, “How much do you think of her?”

He said, “Oh my, I just love her.”

I said, “Well, if you’re not going to live without her, you’d better marry her then. But if you can live without her, you better not, so the… But if it’s going to kill you, you better–you better go ahead and get married.” I said. And so what I was trying to get to him, this: that if you love her so much… Now, right now before you’re married, everything’s just fine and dandy. But after you get married, then the toils and trials of life come in. That’s when you’ve got to be so in love that you understand one another. When you’re disappointed in her, or she’s disappointed in you, you still understand one another.


  E-12    A few days ago I was listening to a program on the radio, coming to Sunday school, and it was a round table discussion with teen-agers in Louisville. A–what was one of the most important things, was a girl to find the boy with the curly hair, or the boy, the girl with the pretty blue or brown eyes? Did that make the difference? It seems like that that would be the great thing to a teen-ager. But that isn’t the greatest thing. The greatest thing is find your God, your Maker.

Don’t mix marry. Marry a boy that believes just exactly like you do, for after all, God is the main important thing that we are in the earth to do, is to serve Him. And if you do marry or anything contrary to that, you’ll pay for it in the days that lays ahead of you. You must always remember, by faith and not by sight. The just shall live by faith. And we look at the Unseen.


«  E-7       †        A man, when he chooses his life companion, he usually inquires of her life, and so forth, and what family she out of, and what’s her background, so forth. It’s… We have to have something like that to give a–a basis. You ask her.

Now, only thing he can take is her word. That’s all he can take and that’s all she can take from him is his word. And there’s no other way.

And I’m so glad that God has placed it that way that we… A man taking his wife is like us–us taking Christ as the Bridegroom, or for Him taking us as Bride. We just have to base it upon the Word.

Now, what are we anyhow? How’d we get here? What are we here for? Did you ever think of those things, along those lines? We are human beings, and what made us human beings? What made us different from anything else on earth [Brother Branham clears his throat–Ed.] (Pardon me.) as human beings?


«  63       †          You, when you got married, there had to wind back through your mind, something, till you hit that tie post. And it should have been love for your wife, or your husband. Well, maybe she isn’t as pretty as John’s wife; or she, well, she not the–the this, that. But there is something about her, that, you, it strikes you. You–you–you say, “She might not be as pretty as the other,” or, “He might not be as handsome as the other.” But there has to be an absolute there, that that person is different, and there is where you hold on to. If that isn’t there, you better not get married. That tie post! That absolute!


«  E-47       †        And I remember my conversion when I was a converted. I’ll just have to bypass most of it to hurry up now. I remember in the… I begin to make up my mind that I… She was too good of a girl for me just to go with her. Somebody ought to marry her who’d make her a good living, and

I was only making twenty cents an hour, so I–I knowed I couldn’t make her no living at that, working as a ditch digger. And her father made five hundred and something a month during the time of the depression, a brotherhood organizer on the Pennsylvania Railroad.

But she loved me, and I loved her. So I thought there’s just going to be a… I’d just have to tell her and just walk away. And I couldn’t do it. I tried to. Every night I thought I’d tell her I just wouldn’t come back no more, and let her go ahead and get with some–with some good boy that would–could make her a living, and make her happy. And I was taking up her time, her young life, and I–I didn’t want just to do that. So I–I was all mixed up. And I didn’t want to give her up, ’cause I loved her too much. And I certainly was in a bad shape.


«  357       †          Some little old girl, here not long ago. This ain’t a joke, ’cause I don’t mean to tell it as a joke. But the people knows that this is no place to joke. But a little old girl here, she… There was fine boys here, Christian boys. Long time ago, when I was pastoring here, we used to have just young men’s classes. And I’d speak to the young women on Sunday afternoon, about sex and things. Then the next Sunday afternoon, speak to the young men, and try to get those things curbed out.


«  358       †          Some little old girl started going with some little old shrimp, downtown here, smoked cigarettes and had a flask in his pocket. And he drove a little roadster car around town. I couldn’t see what she seen in that boy. He wouldn’t come to church. He’d sit out there. Put her in the church out here, and then he’d set out there on the outside, in his car, and wait, wouldn’t come in church. I said to her one day. She lived in New Albany. I said, “I want to ask you something, girlie. What in the world do you see in that boy?” I said, “The first place, he hates the very religion that you–you have. He despises your Christ. He would never make you a husband. He would make you miserable, all your life.” And I said, “Well, there’s fine little Christian boys here that you could go with. And there your daddy and mother despises the thoughts of you going out, but you go anyhow, and you think, ‘I’m sweet sixteen.'”


«  359       †          She started wearing makeup and running out, and first thing, she was in roadhouses. She’s gone on to Eternity now. But, then, she stood here. And you know what excuse that girl give me back there, that she loved that boy? She said, “He’s got such cute little feet, and he smells so good.” Could you imagine that? Perfuming himself up, that’s a sissy, not a man.

360    “Look,” I said, “sister, I’d rather go with a Christian boy that had feet like gravel cars and smelled like a polecat, if he was absolutely a Christian.” That’s right. True. Yeah.

361    It’s excuse, “Such cute little feet, and smells so good.” The little roadhouse runner, finally ruined the life of the girl. It’s a shame, disgraceful.


If the previous step of decision was successful, which means the two persons are mutually interested in each other to pursue the marriage dream, then they will notify their pastor(s) and move into the next step of engagement.

This step becomes a love affair as the two starts talking about how they love one another. But yet, there is no VOW and body contact such as kisses, hugs… They should continue to respect one another and live as brother and sister according to the basic principles of the Message.


E-39    And then, after the decision is made that you are, then comes the engagement. That… You find that at the altar. You’ve got to make an engagement before this union can be. And that’s the way it is with Christ’s church. It has to be an engagement with Christ, a–a pledge, an engagement, a love affair.


«  35       †          Now, keep those things in mind. The Church must believe every Word, every promise, every iota, and claim It for themselves, and exercise themselves in It. If I was engaged to a girl, and I was a single man, and I’d send her something, an engagement ring, and she wouldn’t wear it, then that shows she doesn’t believe me. She–she–she doesn’t want to be my bride. And if Christ sends His church the gifts that He promised, and they refuse them and say “they’re not so,” they don’t want to be the Bride of Christ. They are espoused to some other lover, and not to Christ, the Bridegroom. So the real Church keeps the promise, and keeps all, and accepts the gifts that God sends them. All right.


This is the most critical step because once completed, there is no way out or back, which means only death will permit separation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that this be done carefully after consideration of past steps and future.


  E-39    And then, after the decision is made that you are, then comes the engagement. That… You find that at the altar. You’ve got to make an engagement before this union can be. And that’s the way it is with Christ’s church. It has to be an engagement with Christ, a–a pledge, an engagement, a love affair.

And then the next thing is, is promises made. There has to be promises made to one another, like that you make promise, “Sweetheart, if you’ll marry me, I promise that I’ll be loyal and true. I will look upon no other woman.”

Or, “I’ll look upon no other man. And I’ll do all that as a duty as a wife. If we have children, it’ll do all as a duty as a–as a mother. I–I’ll be a housekeeper.” All these promises has got to be made, or should be, in a correct wedding.


  46      Now, if the spiritual or… The natural is a type of the spiritual. Then, the choosing of a bride, in the natural, is a type of choosing a Bride, the Bride, in the spiritual.

47    Now, it’s a serious thing when we go to choose a wife, a man, for the vows here is until death do we part. That’s how we should keep it. And you take that vow before God, that only death will separate you. And I think we should. A man in his right mind, that’s planning a future, that he should choose that wife very careful. Be careful what you’re doing. And a woman choosing a husband, or accepting the choice of a husband, should be real careful what she’s doing, and especially in these days. A man should think and pray before he chooses a wife.


66    Now I’d like to pass this on, before we go further. “Espousing,” in the East, was the same as marriage, is betrothal. As soon as they–as they were espoused, they were married. When that sacred vow between them was taken, read Deuteronomy 22:23, and you’ll find out that when this woman and man agreed to be married (yet they did not take the vows for months later), if they even broke that vow, they were guilty of adultery. That’s right. When they was espoused, they were just the same as marriage. The law had not given them rights to live together as husband and wife yet, but before God, when they promised one another, their words were sealed in God’s Kingdom. And, to break that, was just committing adultery. And now Joseph was “espoused” to Mary. If minister brothers, if you’d study that right good, it’d clear you up on this marriage-and-divorce case that’s so–so hard and different amongst the people today. Now notice Joseph, her husband, being a just man, see, now we find out that this could not be broken.


«  80       †        And the first thing you know, something takes a hold of her. She becomes attracted to another man. Why, he’s a very attractive man. He’s more attractive than her husband. And something happens into her, that she feels she falls in love with this man.

Now, listen. Way down deep in her soul, the Word of God begins to boil up, and says, “You are wrong. Your vow is that you’ll stick to this man until death shall separate you, no matter what he looks like.

What a more attractive woman or man, and it work either way. You’re vowed to this person until death, you separate. But you will go to intellectual. You’ll think, “Here is Mrs. Jones. She plays the piano. She’s a good woman. Why, she’s did this,” and reasoning. You’ll see the other women begin to dress immorally, that they wear those little old clothes that they wear in summertime around here, mostly, in winter if they could, just simply vulgar. And you’ll get out…


28    We believe in the Bible. We believe that when man takes a woman, that’s his wife, and death only can separate them. That’s only. We don’t believe such stuff as that. We don’t believe in free love, either. We don’t believe in that stuff. We absolutely believe the Bible, and That alone. So I’ll just photostat it, copy of this letter, and give my answer to it and place it in the magazines, and that’ll–that’ll take care of that. I hope it does, anyhow, answer to them.


«  136       †          Look now, and Jude the 7th chapter again, “Sodom and Gomorrah.” Oh, my, what an awful thing! Unmarried to women, “going after strange flesh.” A man that’s married to his wife, they’re–they’re not no longer two, they’re one. And a man that’ll run out after another woman, he automatically separates himself from his wife. And a woman that runs out with another man, she is dead to her husband. She’s denied her own flesh; she’s cut away from him. That’s right. In the Day of Judgment, will have to answer for it.


This is the final step when the couple can live as husband and wife after being pronounced married by a minister of the gospel. The wife takes the husband’s last name.


  E-44    But, you see, first, decision’s made, next engagement, then promise, and then the ceremony. And that’s when the bride–bride takes the bridegroom’s name. She is no more then of her own name; she takes the bridegroom’s name.

And then when the church has the ceremony, makes their promises, then she takes the Bridegroom’s Name. Then she’s no longer a church of the world; she’s the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Not… I don’t mean that by Name; I mean that by birth, by nature, by the power of God. By the revealed truth of God in the heart she becomes a Christian church, the great, universal apostolic Christian church. She becomes a part of Christ. When she does that, she… Christ injects into her His own Spirit, His own life. And the Bible said to Adam and Eve there, “You’re no longer twain, but one.” And when the woman, church, is married to Christ, they’re no longer two. They are one: Christ in you. Amen. That’s it. His life has been brought into you. Then you become the bride.


111    The great, the great vow that’s took at the marriage ceremony, “love, honor, and obey,” is gone. In America, the woman has the right-of-way. Well, everywhere she has got the right-of-way. The Bible said she would have it that way.


126    Now, the 3rd verse now… All right, 2nd and 3rd verse… Now, the 3rd verse…

And hast borne, and had patience, and for my name’s sake has laboured, and has not fainted.

“For My Name.” Did you notice they had patience? Labored for what? His Name. See that Name holding in that church? Now, watch it, when we get down through the week how that fades out and goes into another name. See? “Had–had patience, labored, and so forth, and for My Name’s sake.” He… They labored for His Name.

To keep the Name of Jesus Christ above any church, above anything else, let it be first, and… “Whatever…” The Bible said, “Whatever you do in word or in deed, do it all in the Name of Jesus Christ.” Is that right? “Whatever you do in word or in deed…” If you marry, marry a person. If you can’t, if they’re all scrupled up in their marriage, don’t marry them at all. See? If you can’t freely say, “I pronounce you husband and wife in the Name of Jesus Christ,” let them go. All right. If you want to baptize them, baptize them in Jesus’ Name.


«  E-1       †        `     [This wedding ceremony by Brother William Marrion Branham united Sharon Myers to William Simpson in marriage, at the Life Tabernacle in Shreveport, Louisiana, on Sunday morning at eight o’clock, December 1, 1963, in a Sunday School room before preaching An Absolute. The pianist played several wedding songs, and the Bridal Chorus, at the beginning; then the minister, the groom and his attendants came to the altar, then the bride’s attendants came to the altar, followed by the bride–Ed.]

Who will I ask for this woman to be the wife of this man?

[The bride’s father answers, “We do.”–Ed.]

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together in the sight of God, and the face of this company, to join together this man and woman in holy matrimony, which is commanded by Saint Paul to be honorable among all men. It is therefore not by any to be entered into unadvisably or lightly, but reverently, discreetfully, soberly, and in the fear of God.


«  E-2       †        Into this holy state these two persons present come to be joined. If there is anyone here that can show a just cause why they should not be lawfully joined together in this holy matrimony, do you now speak, or, from hereafter, forever hold your peace.

I will require and will charge you both, as you will surely answer at the Day of the Judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, if there is either of you that know any impediment why you should not be lawful joined together in this holy matrimony, do you now confess it, for be it assured unto you that any couples that are joined otherwise than God’s Word doth allow, their marriage is not lawful.


«  E-3       †        But duly believing you have considered this solemn obligation you’re about to assume, and that you have prepared to enter upon the same, reverently, discreetfully, soberly, in the fear of God, I shall propose to you the marriage covenant. You will witness the same as you join your right hands together. [The groom and bride join their right hands together–Ed.]

Will you have this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in this holy state of matrimony; do you promise to love and honor and cherish, and support in sickness or health, riches or poverty, and will forsake all others as long as you both live? [The groom answers, “I will.”–Ed.]

Will you have this man to be your lawful wedded husband, to live together in this holy state of matrimony; do you promise to love, honor and cherish, and support in sickness or health, riches or poverty, and cleave thee only unto him as long as you both live? [The bride answers, “I will.”–Ed.]

I will require a token. [Two rings are placed on the minister’s Bible, then offered to the groom for the bride, then to the bride for the groom–Ed.] Will you join back your right hands, and step forward for your covenant.

Let us bow our heads.


«  E-4       †        Heavenly Father, as we are conscious of this act that we are performing, and realizing that You married the first couple that was married on the earth, when You married our father and mother, Adam and Eve, and commanded them to go forth into the world, and to be fruitful and multiply. Down to this day, Lord, this young man and young woman comes now to be united by the virtues of Thy Word and Thy Promise, as in their life’s journey they have chosen each other to be their life’s companion.

I pray Thy blessings upon them, Almighty God. Make them an example in this day of reckless living, that a man and a woman can live true and virtuous in the sight of the world and before God. Make them fruitful, Lord. May they always serve You. May You be the unseen Guest, at all times, at their home. And as Thou did bless Isaac and Rebekah, and they lived so happily together through their life, I pray likewise that You will bless this young man and this young woman. Father, I pray that You hear me, Lord.


«  E-5       †        And now by the virtue of my commission to be the servant of God, given to me by Almighty God, and witnessed to me by an Angel, I pronounce this man and this woman, husband and wife, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you. You are married. [The couple kiss, then face the congregation. The pianist begins playing the Wedding March–Ed.] Whatsoever God joins together, let no man put asunder. [The groom, the bride, and the attendants leave.]


«  E-6       †        The sweetness of wedlock! A man and a woman has been joined together, to face life’s journey in its ups and downs. Father and mother, on both sides, had to give son and daughter. That’s what your father and mother did one day. I pray God to strengthen you. And realize that this is part of your duty in life, as it was for you to have your wife or your husband, as your father and mother did the same.

As I see two walking out like that, coming to be joined, I always get a picture of the Coming of Christ for His Bride. I’m trusting that we’ll all be a part in that Bride, that day. He shall come, too. That’s the happiest moment of this young people’s life. That will be the happiest moment of a Christian life, when we’re joined to Christ as one.


«  E-7       †        The Lord bless you. Let’s stand. Heavenly Father, as our eyes has been turned to a wedding this morning. We’re thinking of some glorious morning when Jesus shall come, and there will be another Wedding; when the redeemed of all ages, that’s been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, shall be partakers of His Life also, the Eternal Life, and we’ll have a body like His glorious body in which He lived now. We long for that hour. As we leave this room this morning, may it be afresh upon our hearts and our lives, dedicated, at that great Wedding that we’re going someday. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.


                            DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE

This chapter deals with rupture of marriage and options for remarriage. As outlined earlier, marriage vows should be kept unto death. Unfortunately, the reality of marriage which supposed to be a blessing becomes a curse because of the Devil, especially in these last days.

Regardless of the reason for separation, divorce remains a snare of the Devil and a wrong thing.


Luke 16: 18 “Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.”


  48      I think, today, what’s got so many divorce cases now, that we lead the world in America, in divorce cases. We lead the rest of the world. There’s more divorces here than anywhere else, this nation, and supposed to be, and thought of, a Christian nation. What a reproach, our divorce court! I think, the reason of it, is because that men has got away from God, and women has got away from God.


«  E-48       … Look at the world… I was talking to Mrs. Wood and Mr. Wood today while we were eating dinner, upon the divorce cases and things of the United States. We have the highest rate of divorces than all the world put together. We have more divorces.

Men, the Bible said would be marrying giving in marriage, eating, drinking, the morals and so forth that they’d have, how that they, marrying and giving in marriage, the Reno, Nevadas. Men go out and live with her, marry a girl, and take her for his wife, live with her for a few days. He don’t like her; he kicks her off without the courts. Ungodly people give him a divorce and a license to marrying another. but God says that’s wrong. That’s right. But the–they do it.

Our civilization is crumbling. We see that. It’s a sign, a post that we’re at the end time.


  23-76    I had a hot one on that down the other day in Shreveport. They was talking about the women, and should women wear long hair. And I said, “A woman that bobbed her hair, her husband had a right and a Bible right to divorce her.” That’s right. That’s what the Bible said. That’s exactly right. Oh, my. Holy Ghost women setting there, just the way they been taught; that’s all… See? Yes, that’s…?… loosely. And if…

He said, “Now, if they would cut it, if there’s something wrong they had to cut their hair,” said, “let them take a razor and shave it all off and make her hair real slick until it come out their head.” That’s right. That’s what the Scripture said. It says if she cuts her hair, she dishonors her husband. And a woman that’s dishonorable has a legal right to be put away in divorce. But he can’t marry again now. But he–but he can put her away in divorcement. That’s right. That’s Scripture. Oh, brother, what we need is some question nights. That’s right. That’s I Corinthians the 14th chapter, if you want to read it. All right. Now, that–that… Now, this woman…



1036-Q-313    313. Brother Branham, what is the meaning of a annulment? Are people free to marry or is this just another word for divorce? I would like some information on this.

Sure they’re married. As long as they take that vow, they’re married. Just like a boy, if a boy promises a girl to marry her under good faith, he’s obligated to that girl. He’s just as good as married her. The only thing the law does, is give you a–a bill of rights to live together to keep from being common-law husband and wife. But when a man tells a woman, “I will marry you, Honey; I will take you for my wife. Will you take…” he’s married.

Your vow is sacred; that’s what marries you anyhow. There’s not no preacher can marry you, no magistrate, or nothing else; it’s your own vow to God and to this man. When you promise, you are married.


  1036-195    Looky. You say, “Brother Branham, is that…? You say… You said you’d only answer that by the Bible.” Did you want the Bible on it? Raise your hands if you want it. Now, we got about six or eight minutes. All right.

“Joseph, her husband, being a just man (her espoused husband, already called her husband)… Joseph, her husband, being a just man, was ‘mindedly’ to put her away privately on this wise; but before they came together, she was found with a child of the Holy Ghost. (See?) And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and saying, ‘Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee, Mary, thy wife.'” Already married, he’d already promised her.


  1037-197    And of… And little lady, if you promised to marry that boy, you’re obligated to do it. If you marry another after that obligation, you will–from now on anyhow–you’ll be living in adultery. And notice, the same thing to a boy promising to marry a woman…

Don’t you make your vow to anybody ‘less you mean to stick with it. Remember, there’s the Bible for it. Joseph promised to marry Mary. And God said that that was…

Read the Old Testament laws on that. See? The Old Testament law, if you promised to marry a woman, and you married another one, you was committing adultery; and it throwed you out of the camp. Yes, sir. You have to keep your vows when you promise a woman that. She’s a sacred little vessel, and that’s to bring child life into the world again. So when you promise her, you must marry her.


  1095-Q-342    342. We–we were married twenty-one years ago by the justice of the peace. Was–was it wrong?

Yes, it was wrong for you to do that. Marriage belongs in the house of God. But being that you are married, here’s when you’re really married: you’re married when you vow one to the other, when you promise one another that you’re, that you’ll take one another. The justice of peace could give you license; that’s legal terms of living together as husband and wife without being common law husband and wife. But when you promise this girl and this–you promise that man that you’ll live true to him, and you take him to be your husband, you’re married then. You remember, I explained that last week, I believe it was. See? When you promise her… See?

Even in the old–in the old Bible, if a man was betrothed to a maid, and… You know the laws on that. Why, it was just the same as an adultery. Certainly was, when he promised, that was it.


  1095-156    The question was asked the other day, “Was a annulment–annulment–an annulment the same as a divorce?” See? When you ask me those questions, friend, you don’t know what that does to me. I’ve got many friends setting here that’s married two or three times. Did you realize I’m talking to my own son, Billy Paul? Would I spare Billy Paul? No, indeedy. Billy Paul got married to some little girl, and come up, and said, “Daddy, I’m going to get married.”

I was washing my car; I said, “Butt your head against the wall,” just kept on washing my car like that.

He said, “I’m going to get married.”

I said, “Oh, go on,” just kept on like that. He goes around and tells his mother, and his mother laughed at him. You know what he done? Run off with some little kid still in common school and got married. We annulled the wedding, the father of this girl and myself. We annulled the wedding, but he was married just the same. He’s my boy setting here listening at me now. That’s exactly.

He come to me with the girl that he lives with now, my daughter-in-law. My little grandson… He said, “Daddy will you marry me?”

I said, “By no means.” That’s my own son. You think that don’t cut me to the core when I packed him in my arms and done everything I could do, and I’ve been both father and mother to him? You think that don’t kill me to say that? But it’s the truth. Certainly. My boy setting here listening at… My daughter-in-law and my little grandson setting right here now… But I tell him it’s wrong (See?), because I’ve got to. I’m duty bound to that Word.


  1096-160    And I say, you got married by a magistrate? You should’ve been married by the church, by the minister. That’s the decent thing to do for a Christian. But being that you have already made that promise, and vow, and been married twenty-one years ago, I think it’s all right.

You say, “Well I…”

The question might be, “Should I come and be married again?” If you wish to. Don’t have nothing in your mind that bothers your faith, ’cause if anything’s there, you can’t go no further than right there; you stop right there. When that question mark come, that’s where you end, right there. But I, for me it would be all right.

The man that baptized me in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ finally run me out of the church, because I wouldn’t agree with him on women preachers. That didn’t make me be rebaptized again. See? Surely not. See? That’s all right.


  1097-163    But just remember, these things are cutting to me. I got bosom friends setting here, men and women that would take their–lay their–pull their eye out and give it to me if I’d ask them for it (Yes, sir.), and they’re married twice, sometimes three times, setting right here now. And my own boy, my own grandson, my grand–and my daughter-in-law that I love… Look at Billy, how I stood by him and how he stood by me, but to say truth or truth, it’s truth’s truth.

I’ve got… I could go out here today and call up some of these Assemblies of God or some of these people and tell them, “I’ve–I’m–was all wrong; I ain’t going to stay with that Word, I’m going to stay with you.” I’d probably be a very popular person pretty soon with a gift of God. To throw all my influence to one of those organizations, I’d probably have a big name among them. I ain’t caring about my name among them. I love them; that’s the truth. But I got to be truthful. I–I–I’d be a hypocrite if I did that.


  1097-165    And I’d be a hypocrite if I stood here because my own son setting here that was promised to a girl, and I said… If–if he never even had the ceremony said over him, no matter if he ever lived with the woman, or slept with her, the girl, or whatever it was, when he made that vow, he’s married, Billy Paul or no Billy Paul. That’s exactly the truth. He’s married when he made that promise. If it’s me, it’s the same.

We’ve got to be honest. If I can’t be honest with my boy, I can’t be honest with you. If I ain’t honest with you, I won’t be honest with God. And I want you to believe what I tell you to be my honest-to-goodness opinion. Don’t make anything else out of it; just say it the way I said it (See?), ’cause I’m going to tell you the truth.


  1097-167    Now, I don’t talk to you all like that too often, because you’re my children, I call you. I’ve begotten you to Christ through the Gospel. And while we’re here together, just our own group setting here, I–I shave you down a little bit. But I want to tell you: when you come to me and ask anything, I’m going to tell you the best that I know how. If it’s in the Word, I don’t care if it condemns me; I’ve got many knots should be shaved off of me. Exactly.

But when you ask me anything, I’m going to tell you. If I tell you anything, I’m going to tell you the truth. I’ve always tried to live that way. That’s the way I want to live and die that way, to be honest with anybody.



700-42    If they’re willing, say, “Now, you go on to church. Now, if you want to go down there, that’s your business. You want to go to your church, you go ahead. For me, I don’t believe It. And I–I’ll do anything for you; I’ll not stand in your way, you go ahead,” then you just remain there, knowing not that your sanctified life will sanctify that believer, cause them to believe. See? Either side, man or woman… See? You…

But now just to say, “I… Brother Branham, I got married and my wife’s an unbeliever, and here’s a sister over here I can marry. I’m going to leave this one and marry that one.” Oh, no. No, indeedy. Your vow is until death you separate, and there’s nothing else in the world will permit you to marry in the Bible until your companion is dead. That’s right. The only grounds… There’s no remarrying nowhere at all, except a dead companion. That’s all. See?


  700-44    You can’t make It contradict Itself. So just read the verses before and after, and you’ll catch then what he’s talking about. Now, this means here, not… See?

Does this mean a sister or a brother is free to remarry?

No, sir. See, he explained that first. See:

… unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she departs, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband:… (See?)

There’s no such things as any believer ever being reconciled to remarriage again, with a living companion.


  83      I want to name three things here that she must not get away from. Now, I’m speaking, keep the church in mind while I’m speaking this to the natural woman, as Paul is here, in 7th chapter of Romans.

84    She has a sacred trust of virtue committed to her by her Lord, a certain virtue. Nothing else holds it but a woman. Right. That’s committed to her by God. She must not defile that virtue.

85    If she even does something wrong, she must confess that to her husband before he takes her, and make it right. The same as the church that was married to the law, has to come also before Christ, before the second marriage. She has to confess that. If she doesn’t, and she lives with her husband for ten years and then confess it, he has a right to put her away and marry another woman. That’s the Scripture. Fornication is unclean living.


  40-187    A woman come not long ago, and she said, “Oh, I’ve confessed all that.” She was nervous, and had a breakdown, and said, “I confessed all that to God.”

I said, “You have to confess it to your husband. It wasn’t God that you committed adultery against; it was your husband.” That’s right.

And if a man marries a woman and she has lived unclean before she marries him, and then she comes to him, if they’ve been married ever so long, and then she comes to him and says, “Honey, I want to tell you something. I did run out with another man; I never told you,” Jesus said he has a right to put her away and marry another, because they’re not married in the beginning, ’cause she falsely told a–a lie against him.


  23-76    I had a hot one on that down the other day in Shreveport. They was talking about the women, and should women wear long hair. And I said, “A woman that bobbed her hair, her husband had a right and a Bible right to divorce her.” That’s right. That’s what the Bible said. That’s exactly right. Oh, my. Holy Ghost women setting there, just the way they been taught; that’s all… See? Yes, that’s…?… loosely. And if…

He said, “Now, if they would cut it, if there’s something wrong they had to cut their hair,” said, “let them take a razor and shave it all off and make her hair real slick until it come out their head.” That’s right. That’s what the Scripture said. It says if she cuts her hair, she dishonors her husband. And a woman that’s dishonorable has a legal right to be put away in divorce. But he can’t marry again now. But he–but he can put her away in divorcement. That’s right. That’s Scripture. Oh, brother, what we need is some question nights. That’s right. That’s I Corinthians the 14th chapter, if you want to read it. All right. Now, that–that… Now, this woman…


  225    And then, so then they… There she was, setting there. Her poor flesh was flabby. She had that kind of an orchid-looking manicure, or what you call it, on her lips, and a little bitty haircut like a man, and fuzzed all up; what the Bible said, which was a disgrace. And a woman, that a man…

The Bible claims, if a woman cuts her hair, a man’s got a right to put her away in divorcement, because she’s not honest with him. We have to get down and preach the Bible here some of these days. Said, “If she bobs her hair, she dishonors her husband.” If she’s dishonorable, she ought to be put away. You can’t marry another one, but you can put her away. Whew. Boy, that–that’s going hard; I can feel it. But that’s the truth.


«  100       †        5. Now, Brother Branham, is there any Scripture permitting marriage after divorce. This is very important.

It says important. Well, that’s the reason it wasn’t pertaining to this. As far as I can see, my brother or sister, whoever it may be, there isn’t unless your companion’s dead, because the Bible said we’re bound to them as long as they live. See?

So as–as far as being any Scripture, that’s what was asked here: “Is there Scripture. See? Is there any Scripture?” Not as I can find. See? Not as I can find, ’cause Paul said that the–the married couple, if the companion’s dead, then they’re free then to marry whomsoever they will in the Lord. But until then… But watch. You take it, “Until death we part…”

That’s it. You’ve done took an oath over that (You see?), so I don’t think there is. Now, if there’s–if you found some, and it’s correctly why, all–all right. But as far as myself, I–I don’t find any.


«  168       †        159. Brother Branham, I was married to a woman that had been married before. We divorced, and she has been married twice since. The Bible states that if we desire to marry–if we desire to marry, to turn to… first wife. Now, could I turn to her who has been married before or could I be free?

Well now, my brother, here’s the only way that you could do it. Now, this is a great subject, and someday I–I want to if–if the church ever gets organized and straightened up into the place where it should be, or… I–I say this with reverence. I… There’s two factions of this marriage and divorce in the churches: one holds one faction and one the other. And to my opinion, with grace in my heart before God and His Bible, they’re both wrong. See? But there’s a truth lays there.


«  169       †        If you notice what Jesus said… Now, here, I got a brother, my own blood brother, that’s fixing to marry a woman. And my brother has been married before and got a child by a good woman. And he come to me to marry him. I said, “Not at all.

Jesus said in Matthew 5, “Whosoever puts away his wife and marries another, saving the cause of fornications (which she had to do before she was married and didn’t tell him about it), causes her to commit adultery: whosoever marries her that is put away liveth in adultery.” So don’t do that. No, you cannot go back to your–to your first wife if she’s been married again. But if you–she divorced you and put you away…


«  171       †        Then you said, “Am I free?” Let me read it again. “I was married to a woman that had never been married before. We divorced, and she has been married twice (I suppose this person has remained single.) The Bible states that if we desire to marry to turn to… first again.”

No, sir. Get over in the Levitical laws. You go back to that woman, she’s somebody else’s property. You’ve defiled and made yourself worse off than ever. No, you should not take a wife back who’s been married to somebody else.

Now, “Could I turn to her who has been married before or should I–or should I be free?” You are free. Stay free. Yeah, you don’t go back again. No, sir. She’s married to somebody else; stay away from her. That’s right. Don’t… That defiles…?… You understand. If we had a little more time, I’d like to get into that. But just for your question, my brother, whoever you are. No, sir. Don’t you go back and take that woman when she’s been married two or three times since she married you. That’s wrong.


«  174       †        I married a couple here not long ago that’d been married before, and they divorced and went away, and–old couple. Oh, it was Brother and Sister Puckett; that’s exactly who it was. They just couldn’t get along and had a little spat between them; they divorced. She lived just as true and single as she could be, and he lived the same way. And after while, they seen how silly they was, and they come back and wanted to be married. I said, “Sure.” See? “That’s all right, that’s what you should be.” So they… Well, they was married all the time. They never had been divorced; just give them papers to live together as husband and wife; that’s all, ’cause they was married in the beginning.


«  56       †          The prophet, Paul, here is saying that a woman cannot remarry until her first husband is dead. She cannot remarry as long as her first husband is living; she, by no circumstances, at all. She must remain single as long as her first husband is living. And if she should do such a sin, “she shall be called an adulteress.” I’m speaking of the natural now, to type it with the spiritual. If this woman would commit such a sin, then she is marked, “an adulteress,” if she has two living husbands at the same time. Therefore, she has forfeited, by doing this, her rights to God and Heaven, by doing so. She sure has. She is an outcast from the economy of God, according to the Scriptures that I’ve just read.


«  57       †          So is the church, when she tries to mix creed and denomination with the Word of God. She can’t be married to a denomination, and be the Bride of Christ, at the same time. She’s got to be dead to one or the other. The law says so, here. There’s plenty of laws in God’s Word. And that’s His law, Paul speaking the same thing here. She cannot be married to a church of worldly creed, and be the Bride of Christ, because (she) one is contrary to the other. Now, remember.


«  71       †          Now, She, as a woman, if She is married to Christ the Word, She cannot be married to a church denomination at the same time, for She’s bound by it. She shall… cannot live with both husbands at the same time. They’re contrary, one to the other. One is God-sent, the other one is man-made, so they’re contrary. Said, “Let every man’s word be a lie; Mine be the Truth.” God said that.

72    Just as much contrary to one another, as law was to grace, as Paul speaking of here. One must be dead, to have the other. “And if she tries to mix them, she shall be called an adulteress.” Oh! Think of it. New York, Arizona, across the nation, think of it. God said, “If she’s tried to be married to two at the same time, she shall be called an adulteress.” What adulteress can enter Heaven? Would God marry an adulteress? Certainly not. He asked us not to do it. “She shall be called an adulteress.”


«  200       †        255. Brother Branham, would the Lord permit you to instruct us on the marriage and divorce question at this time? Question: Can a man marry a woman and be divorced by her and then marry another? If both of them marry another, are they both committing adultery? You mentioned it would tie into serpent’s seed. How so?

Now, here–here is one of the most treacherous questions that we have in these bunches, and it’s the most questioned in the–in the world today. Now, hear me, and I have a reason for this. If I really brought to this church and on this tape this morning, the correct thing about marriage and divorce, it’d break up every church in the country, if they listened to it. See? That’s right.


«  201       †        Now, so help me, here lays the Bible before me; I have on that question, THUS SAITH THE LORD. And both sides that are arguing are wrong. Both those who remarry the married and so forth, they’re both wrong on what they’re doing, but in between it is the truth, the middle of the road. I don’t want to… I’m going to make a tape whether if something happens to me, then the brethren can play it after I’m gone (See?) to the churches. But I–I want to make a tape on it and just show you where it’s at; but until I feel led of the Lord, I will not say anything about it. But I feel that on these things that I must be led of the Lord; if I don’t, I’ll do more damage than I do good. See?


«  202       †        Now, I want you to notice this. Question: “Can a man marry a woman and be divorced by her and then marry another; and if both of them marry another, are they both committing adultery?” Now, my friend, I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but that’s the truth. Jesus said, “Whosoever marries her that is put away commits adultery.” See? Now, I just don’t want to say it, but it’s the truth.

“You mentioned this would tie into the serpent’s seed.” See? I don’t remember mentioning that, but I probably did somewhere, said something about it.


«  80       †        286. Brother Branham, is it (Let’s see.)… for a person who has a–who has a living, divorced mate who remarry before coming unto the Message to minister?

Well, in I Timothy 3:2, if you want to put that down, and Titus 1 to 6 (I wrote that one down.), I want you to read that for this question. See? If a man–if a man desires the office of a bishop or a preacher (something another in church), he’s got to have just one wife. That’s right. A minister… Now, that’s I Timothy 3:2, and Titus 1 to 6. Now, Titus 1 to 6, yeah. All right. Now, notice that the Bible said that that man that’s a minister in the house of God will have one wife. Now.



  401-Q-91    Now, we’ve got one more and then that’s all. Let’s see.

91. Brother Bill, what is the difference between fornications and adultery, Matthew 19:9?

Jesus said in Matthew 19:9, “Whosoever putteth away his wife and marries another, except it be for the cause of fornications, commits adultery.” The difference between fornications and adultery, the word could be applied either way. But to make it clear what he was talking of there, that–a woman that’s unmarried cannot commit adultery, because she has no husband to commit adultery against. It’s uncleanliness for her. She has to confess that to her husband before they are married if she’s did that. If not and her husband finds it out later, he has a right to put her away, because she took a false vow. For the Bible said, “Be it well…” or ritual says. “Be it well known to you (I have it in mine) if any couples are joined otherwise than God’s Word does allow, their marriage is not lawful. I will require and will charge you both as you’ll surely answer in the day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, if either of you know any impediment why you should not be lawful joined together, do you now confess it.” There you are. See?

So fornication is what a girl, when she lives unclean, that’s fornication, ’cause she has no husband. But when she’s married, and then when she lives like that, she commits adultery against her husband.


  40-187    A woman come not long ago, and she said, “Oh, I’ve confessed all that.” She was nervous, and had a breakdown, and said, “I confessed all that to God.”

I said, “You have to confess it to your husband. It wasn’t God that you committed adultery against; it was your husband.” That’s right.

And if a man marries a woman and she has lived unclean before she marries him, and then she comes to him, if they’ve been married ever so long, and then she comes to him and says, “Honey, I want to tell you something. I did run out with another man; I never told you,” Jesus said he has a right to put her away and marry another, because they’re not married in the beginning, ’cause she falsely told a–a lie against him.


74      Marriage is the oldest institution in the world. Marriage was performed first, and instituted, in the garden of Eden.

75    A woman is entrusted with certain characters that she must not defile. A woman is trusted to that. There’s not a creature on earth like a woman. There’s no female dog, there’s no female of any kind, entrusted with the character that a woman is.

76    A woman was not even in the–the beginning of the creation, because God knowed that she would fall. All other females could not commit adultery. She is the only one that can commit adultery. If she had been made like the original, that would been discomplimentary to God’s great wisdom. See? She was made a by-product of a man.

77    But because she was cast over in that side, she has also been given a sacred charge from God, for redemption. She’s got characters that she must not defile.

78    If she would mar them, she is defiled for lifetime. No matter how much she is forgiven, she can’t be justified. I’ll strike that in a little bit. Got a Scripture on that, in a few minutes. She can be forgiven for her defilement, but she cannot be justified in this life. It’s always with her. Notice now. She’s been given this. She may be forgiven, but not justified.


  83      I want to name three things here that she must not get away from. Now, I’m speaking, keep the church in mind while I’m speaking this to the natural woman, as Paul is here, in 7th chapter of Romans.

84    She has a sacred trust of virtue committed to her by her Lord, a certain virtue. Nothing else holds it but a woman. Right. That’s committed to her by God. She must not defile that virtue.

85    If she even does something wrong, she must confess that to her husband before he takes her, and make it right. The same as the church that was married to the law, has to come also before Christ, before the second marriage. She has to confess that. If she doesn’t, and she lives with her husband for ten years and then confess it, he has a right to put her away and marry another woman. That’s the Scripture. Fornication is unclean living.

86    “Joseph, fear not, take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.” He was minded to put her away privately, see, after he’d already engaged to her. When you’re engaged to her, as far as God is concerned, you’re married to her.

92      Notice. That’s committed to her: sacred virtue, sacred womanhood, and then sacred motherhood, honor her husband.


  50      It’s almost a public adultery, today, right before you. I went to a certain place the other night, to get something to eat, and the little boys and girls up there hugging and kissing like I don’t know what.

And do you know, my little sister, that that’s potentially an adultery? When a man kisses you, he has potentially committed adultery with you. You should never let him kiss you until you’re married, for the glands, both male and female glands, is in the lips. Do you understand? And when male and female glands come together, let it be where it may be, you have potentially committed adultery. And you shouldn’t let a boy kiss you until that veil is raised on your face and you’re his wife. Don’t do that! It’s committing adultery. It’s mixing male and female glands.

51    Why don’t a man kiss a man, woman kiss a woman, in the lips? Because it don’t cross the glands. Children is born by crossing glands.

So it’s almost a public adultery again, everywhere. Look on the screens and everything you see, a–a slobbering and a–a carrying on. No wonder immorality is on the–is on the incline! How can they do it, and sperm themselves all up by kissing those women in the mouth, knowing that that’s adultery! God won’t forgive it unless you repent.


  115      Look at on… Look at today, how the people will stay home, that’s call themselves Christians, and listen to such characters as Pat Boone, Elvis Presley, Ernie Ford, and those who sing hymns on Sunday; and look at them things, they look at them kissing them women, and things out there.

116    When, no man should ever kiss a woman till he is married to her. That’s male and female glands crossing. Let it be wherever it may be, it’s wrong. It’s potentially a sex act. When male and female glands touch, it’s a sex act. And it’s made… A man kiss a man in the mouth, it would make him vomit, or a woman a woman. Why is it different? It’s a–it’s a sex act, potentially. That’s right. A type of Christ kissing His Bride, see. You should never do that.

117    But look at it today, all these movies and things, and one big conglomeration of kissing and hugging. And it’s absolutely almost public adultery, everywhere, and the people so blind they don’t see it. Right! Everything is in a Sodom condition, Sodomite everywhere, as the Bible said.


  88      Looks on these screens and see these movie stars kissing, and hugging, and slopping, and around, over these women. A woman does that, is of a bad character. She might be virtuous, otherwise. But, see, in her heart… When, those glands, sex glands, are in the lips. The man kisses a woman, he’s actually, potentially, committed adultery. Sex glands are in the woman’s lips and in the man’s lips. He could kiss her on the hand, it wouldn’t mix through their sex glands. But the sex glands is in the lips. And see all this nonsense in the–the Hollywood today, of all this slopping and loving around with women, and so forth, and little girls looking at all that. No wonder our morals are rotten and decayed, and filthy, see, because it’s put before the children. That’s right. It has to be that way for the last day.


  E-35    Therefore when a woman tries to act like a man, dress like a man, and talk like a man, she’s out of her place. A woman is feminish, sweet, loving, not big and carrying on and acting like a man. Well, she’s not supposed to be. And when she does that, her life is perverted. She’s sweet, loving, kind, where Adam is more the burly type, for he was the man, the masculine type. The woman was feminish, but it’s the same spirit, for He took her from Adam.

And notice, when a man takes a wife, and he takes this wife into his bosom (We’re a mixed audience.), and presses this woman to his bosom as his sweetheart, she puts her print on him. Another woman there would mar it forever. They are one. No other woman should ever fit that mold. You got no right with your arms around a woman, dance floor, or nowhere. That’s right. You got a wife, and you pulled her to your bosom, and God put her on your heart, and printed you against her, and she’s yours. And you belong to her.


  E-36    And you, woman, that take another man in your arm, you’ve marred the mold that you were taken from. Remember that. When you act like a man, you’re out of your place. And when man begins to get sissy too, and babying and this, that, and the other, he’s out of his place. He’s boss; he’s ruler. Not… Now, I don’t mean a floor mat; I just said a ruler, a helpmate. Not to kick women around, they’re not…

But the Bible said… God said in the creation, “You shall rule over you.” Not to be a boss, but to be a helpmate, part of you. She’s sweet, and kind, and tender; you should lead her around sweetly, because she’s part of you. You go to mistreating her, then you’re mistreating yourself. And a man mentally right won’t do that. All right.


  16-4    Adam had done named all of the creation, everything else. But he wasn’t nothing for himself, so He made Him a helpmate: took a rib from his side, closed up the gash, and made a helpmate to him. And man in his spirit was both man and woman. And a woman is just a part of a man.

And when a man takes to himself a wife, and if she’s correctly his wife, a God-given wife, she’ll be just to him as part of him.

That’s the reason you have so many scruples in the marriage. Is because you go out and see some girl with pretty brown eyes, or blue eyes, or something like that, some pretty figure, and you fall for her. First time she has her first baby them teeth comes out, and she gets wrinkled and old, and then you want to kick her out.

And some of you women find some little boy with his hair slicked down, his mammy’s lard can half dumped on it, and curly; it’ll all fall out. I know that by experience. But what happens? What is it? You fall for that. You ought to pray first, ’cause a woman is part of you.

And if you’ve embraced a woman to your bosom, and taken her for your wife, and she makes an imprint on you… (We’ll say it like this so you’ll understand) and any other woman against that bosom won’t fit that print. And God will hold you responsible for it. You just remember that.


1098-171    And one of her little girls, sweet little girls… I… When they was little bitty things, I’d take them up on my lap and play with them. They’re too big now; they’re almost women, ten, twelve years old. And so, one of them come to me, said, “Brother Branham, I had a dream.” And she told me the dream. And she said, “What does that mean?”


  669-124    Remember, the body… I’m going to speak double now, so that you older people will understand. It’s a mixed group, but I’m your brother, and this was the question. See?

Each human being male and female have a different type of gland. A female has a female gland, sex gland. A male has a male gland, sex gland. And those glands lay in the human lips. That’s right.

And here’s another thing might be brought up, men kissing one another in the mouth. That’s dirty. That’s filth. And what does it do? It starts homosexuals. Stay away from that.

You say..


  670-127    A guy asked me not long ago, said, “Brother Branham, why, they greeted one another with a holy kiss.” They kissed on the back of the neck, fell upon their neck, and kissed them on the back of the neck. That was before handshake come in. It’s a greeting. That’s the way it is. They didn’t shake one another’s hands; they put their arms around one another; they kissed one another on the back of the neck, not on the lips, in the face. That starts a perversion. Stay away from it. Don’t never do that.

Nowadays, we shake hands with one another. If you want to… You got your arm around your brother, and kiss him on the neck, or he kisses you on the neck, that’s all right. But don’t you kiss that woman, and don’t you let that woman kiss you. See? That’s right. You take her by the hand, say, “Wait a minute, Sister, just a minute here (See?); let’s get this straight!” And so, now you do that.


  201      Did you know any man that kisses a woman is morally obligated to marry her? Potentially it’s a sex act. Sure, it is. Yes, sir. What is it? It’s the male glands in a man’s lip, and the female glands. When male and female glands comes together, it’s sex.


E-67    Now look, I’ve… When I was a sinner, I never run around. I wasn’t ornery to run around with women. And I don’t care how saintly a man tries to live and how godly he lives, if a woman puts her arms around a man, it’s a human sensation. Now, you just might as well… I don’t care, you can call yourself sanctified (and I believe in sanctification too), but you’re still a human. Just exactly right. And there’s a sensation. I don’t say you’d do wrong, certainly not. The power of God keeps you, and you go on. But even in that place, that human sensation wasn’t there.

And here come people just throwing their arms around, saying, “My precious brother.”


378-3  {366}    Now, forgive me, sisters, as I say this, ’cause… But you listen to your doctor; and if we ain’t got clean minds, then we’re not Christians. I don’t care… I’ve always lived clean; God knows that. When I was a little boy, the Angel of the Lord told me to not defile my body, smoke, or drink, and that’s been truth. By the grace of God, I’ve kept that. When I was a sinner, I didn’t run around with women. And so… But any man that lets a woman hug up into his arms (him being made up of cells of male and her a female), there’s a sensation. I don’t care who you are; now, don’t tell me you’re not if you’re healthy as a person. But not there, because you don’t have any more different cells. You’ll never sin there. There was a change. There’s no more than just a brotherly love to them women.


«  136       †          Look now, and Jude the 7th chapter again, “Sodom and Gomorrah.” Oh, my, what an awful thing! Unmarried to women, “going after strange flesh.” A man that’s married to his wife, they’re–they’re not no longer two, they’re one. And a man that’ll run out after another woman, he automatically separates himself from his wife. And a woman that runs out with another man, she is dead to her husband. She’s denied her own flesh; she’s cut away from him. That’s right. In the Day of Judgment, will have to answer for it.


  1013-Q-288    288. For Sunday services: If a woman commits a wrong with a… (Now, wait a minute; I’d better read this first to myself. You see? [Brother Branham reads the question to himself “… with a married man, repents and makes it right according to…?… needs of wife and man involved in…?…–Ed.] All right. This is all right.) If a woman commits a wrong with a–a married man, repents and makes it right with her husband according to the Scriptures, does she need to go to the wife of the man involved, even if this wife doesn’t know anything of it; or is it the man’s duty to tell her first; or does she need to be hurt at all? How far can we go with this restitution when it is over and done, and when friendship is involved?

Well, my dear sister, there’s only one thing that you have done which is right. You was involved, I guess, or somebody that you know of was involved, in a wrong act, that you taken another woman’s companion and had a social act. And when you did, there you fell from your grace. Then you repented, and you could not repent until you go back to this man and make it right. You’ve got to take your husband and go to that man, which you did. And that was the thing you should’ve done; that’s Scripture–you should’ve done.


  1013-84    A lady come to me not long ago from right here in Louisville, that… She’s a young woman. She run with a man and–and then she… She knowed she was doing wrong. And she left the city, and went to another city way away, and changed her name, lived with some people. And this man followed her and told her when he got over there, he had the goods on her. She’d still have to remain to being a common-law wife to him or he would tell. (And when she was over there, she got married to a fine Christian man.) And said if she didn’t, he would explode the whole thing–threatened her; therefore, she had to live with both men, which she done wrong, instead of showing her colors at the beginning. And she had a baby, and now, the girl’s about eighteen years old and don’t know which one of them really is her father. Now, she comes into menopause, and it’s caught up with her. Now, what can she do? I said, “There’s only one…”

She said, “If I tell my husband, he will leave me; and if I–my daughter knows it, she’ll commit suicide.”

And I said, “If you hold it in your heart, you’ll go to hell. Now, suit yourself.” There’s only one thing to do, is clean your slate. That’s exactly right. Be honest.


  1014-86    You know, many times in the visions, how the people come, women and men; the Holy Spirit digs up them things that they’ve done down in life and (you’ve heard of it and you seen it, you know. See?)–and tell them things that they’ve got to do it. They say, “Well, I–I’ve already made it right with the Lord.” But you owe it to your husband or to your wife to go tell them. That’s right. You’re supposed to confess that.

Now, this person, if she’s the one that’s guilty, she has did it; she went to her husband. Now, you’ve cleared yourself, sister, because between… You–you committed adultery against your husband. You went to your husband and cleared yourself to your husband; then you went to the man and the husband and cleared yourself there. You are clear. If your husband continues to–to want to live with you, that’s up to him. He don’t have to do it now, but he–but if he wants to live with you and forgives you, then you be lady enough to never be guilty of such a thing again. But if he doesn’t forgive you, then that’s his–that’s his own business. He can put you away. Exactly right.

But now, the man that you had the act with, now, he’s the one’s got to go to his wife and take his wife and come back to you. You’ve done your part, now it’s his time to do his part. See? The second party…


  1014-89    This woman had the act with the man, and she took her husband, confessed it, and went to the man and confessed it, and made it right. Now, the next man was a married man also; now, he’s got to go to his wife and take the wife and come back to this wife. Then it’s all right. See what I mean? It’s made up then. But outside of that, you’ll still be guilty, and down in your heart you’ll be condemned.

I had a woman not long ago up there that had that since the First World War. And she said, “Oh, Brother Branham.” She’d spent hundreds of dollars with psychiatrists and everything. And I was setting there watching her in that room. Meda brought her up there. She was setting there ringing a handkerchief through her hands like that, said, “I feel the world’s going to burst, and I…” all like this.

I just kept setting there. I said, “Now, there’s something about… You’ve got something in your life somewhere?”

“No, I’m a Sunday school teacher.”

I said, “All right.” Set there a little bit and watched. I said, “I see a little green car, and you’re with a blond-headed man, and a train almost hits the car.”…?… She said, “Don’t you tell nobody that.”

I said, “Your husband was in the army at the time.”

She started crying, jumped up, “Don’t you say that to nobody.” See? That was way down in her subconscious. She said, “I’ve confessed that to God a long ago.”

I said, “But wait a minute. You never done a wrong against God. You done a wrong against your marriage vow. You’ve got to go back to your husband and make that right first.”

She said, “He’ll leave me.”

I said, “God has left you anyhow. So now, which one do you want to leave you?” I said, “Go to him.”

And she said, “Oh, I–I… He’d do this, and I got two children.”

I said, “Well, that’s all I can tell you. Psychiatrist never pulled that out of you, but the Holy Spirit has revealed; and I never seen you in my life.”

She said, “That’s exactly right.” Said, “Well, I–I just can’t tell him.”

I said, “Well, I… Glad I met you.” Went on in the other room, and she come back in there.

Meda said, “She wants you in there again.”

I went there; and I said, “What do you want?”

And she said, “Brother Branham, I can’t tell that to my husband.”

And I said, “Your husband’s a black headed man.”


I said, “He’s got the same thing to confess to you.”

She said, “Oh, not my husband.”

I said, “You’d better go get him and come here.” I said, “Do you know a certain woman that wears a pink dress, that works in the office of a certain kind of a automobile company?”

She said, “Sure.”

I said, “Don’t they call her a certain name?”


I said, “Two weeks ago they set under a beech tree with a–setting in a little brown Chevrolet car with license number so-and-so, and was in the same act.”

She said, “Not my husband.”

I said, “All right, you go get him and come here.”

She left. A few minutes, here they come back. He said, “It’s the truth.”

I said–I said, “You see? Now go tell God.”


  1016-92    But first, when you come to the altar and remember there’s ought, go first and make that right. And as long as this other party here is guilty of not telling his wife… This wife has made herself clear. Now, it’s up to her and her husband. But this other man and his wife has to come clear in it. And you cannot… No matter what you do, it’ll haunt you as long as you live until you wash it clean. There’s only one way to do it: Confess it. If it takes the skin off of you, do it anyhow. Tell the truth, then you’ve got it right. Amen.

I can hear plenty on the tape saying, “That’s wrong.” But you just try it one time and see if it isn’t. All right.




  1087-119    ….One drunk looked at the other one, said, “She’s a Christian; she’s got it.” And that little woman led her husband, plus these others to Christ that night. See? Why? See? Just be real sweet. Just remember, He knows all about it.

So, sister, or brother, whoever it might be, or brother, it is here, ’cause he asked about his wife, you just be salty; she’ll get thirsty if there’s anything in her to thirst for. If it isn’t, remember, if you got the wrong person, you’ll get the right one in the millennium. You just keep on going; all wrongs will be made right there.



«  166       †        Now, I don’t believe in mixing marriages. I believe that a white man should not marry a colored girl, or a colored girl marry a white man, or a yellow marry a colored, or a white, or a… I believe the brown, black, white, and races of people are like a flower garden of God, and I do not believe they should be crossed up. I believe that’s the way God made them, and I believe that’s the way they should remain.

What… It fools me that I seen some real pretty colored girl, intelligent, nice-looking kid, just as pretty as any woman you’d want to see… What does she want to marry a white man and have mulatto children? What would an intelligent colored girl want with such a thing as that? Is because that something… that communist… And how would a–a fine a-a-a colored man want to marry a white woman and have mulatto children?

I don’t believe I… I believe you should stay just what we are. We–we’re servants of Christ. And God made me… If He made me, my color black, I’d be happy to be a black man for God. If He made me yellow, I’d be a happy yellow man for Christ. If He made me white, I’ve a–happy white man for Christ. If He made me brown, or red, an Indian, whatever it is, I’d stay my same color. That would be me. I want to be like my Maker made me.


«  135       †        Hybreeding, hybreeding, oh, how terrible, hybreeding. They hybreed the people. New York, the big molding pot.

I’ve got hundreds of precious colored friends that’s borned again Christians. But on this line of segregations and things they’re talking about, hybreeding the people. What, tell me what fine cultured, fine Christian colored woman would want her baby to be a mulatto by a white man? No, sir. It’s not right. What white woman would want her baby to be a mulatto by a colored man? God made us what we are. Let’s stay what God made us; I believe it’s right.


«  136       †        When that great fuss come up down there at Shreveport here not long ago, that old colored preacher stood out there; he’s got a place in my heart. He said, “I never was ashamed because I’m a colored man.” Said, “God made me what I am, and I’m proud of it.” But said, “Today I’m ashamed the way you people are acting. The way my own people’s acting, it makes me ashamed.”

Oh, my. What are we doing, friends? Men think they know all about it.

The people would be better off if you’d just let them the way they are, the way God made them. Let the brown race marry the brown race, the white race marry the white race, the dark race, the yellow race and whatevermore, stay the way God made them. If a violet… God made it and it was white, let it remain white. If it’s blue, black, brown, whatever the flower is, let it alone. If corn was raised a certain way, yellow corn, don’t mix with white corn. If you do, you mix it up, then it can’t breed itself back again.


«  E-50       †        In the Old Testament a child that was hybrid, borned out of holy wedlock could not even come in the congregation of the Lord for ten generations: took ten generations to breed it out. That’s four hundred years to breed out a illegitimate child; could not even come into the congregation of the Lord; hybreeding: a woman vowed to her husband and live with another man and have a baby by him: a horrible thing.

Today, we have so much fussing and stewing about this segregation of white and colored and everything. Why don’t they leave it alone? Let it the way God made it. Tell me what real good, smart, intelligent, beautiful, colored woman would want to have a baby by a white man to make it a mulatto? Not sense. Many thing the colored people has is far beyond the white man.


«  E-51       †        I think of that colored minister stood down there that day in Shreveport. He said, “I never was ashamed of being a black man. God made me a black man, and I appreciate my Creator making me this way. It’s the way He wanted me.” But said, “Today, to see my people acting the way they are, then I’m ashamed I’m a black man.” God bless his loyal heart. Certainly.

What good would a white woman want to have a baby by a colored man making him a mulatto child? It’s not sensible. If God wanted a man brown, black, white, whatever color He wanted him, that’s God’s creation. That’s the way he wanted it. He wants white flowers, blue flowers; God’s a God of variety. He likes big mountains, little mountains, deserts, plains, white, black, short, fat, and indifferent. God’s a God of variety.


«  E-18       †        But oh, my. Another thing, no wonder Ahab… His father was a backslider to begin with. And Ahab was a borderline, lukewarm believer, just a indebtiment to society of Christianity would be today, an indebtiment to the Kingdom of God in that day. He was just a man who was wishy-washy and not stabled at all.

But I imagine he was a handsome young man with his hair slicked down, you know, and kind of a little one of these boys that’s going out with these here, what is it you call them, dragging hot rods, something on that order. You see? One of these little fellows that runs around like today…

And you know, it goes to show that he was that type of person or he wouldn’t have fell for that type of woman. That’s right. Israel was supposed to marry Israelites. They wasn’t supposed to mix marriage. You know that’s right. They wasn’t… And you’re not supposed to do it today either, yoke unbelievers with believers. That’s against the law of God, against the Bible.


«  197       †          But I don’t believe in marrying, intermarrying like that. I don’t believe in a white… What–what business would a beautiful, young, intelligent colored girl want to marry a white man for, and have mulatto children? What would a fine, intelligent colored girl want to do a thing like that for? I can’t understand it. And what would a white woman want to marry a colored man, with mulatto children? Why don’t you stay the way God made you? “Be content with such as you have.” See?

Now notice the virgin birth, and the prophets. All right.



  E-47    Speaking to someone the other day about polygamy. I said the nation in a whole would be better off if it practiced polygamy. It would. We’re the highest rated nation in the world with divorces, marrying and intermarrying, marrying and intermarrying. Because we try to make the men of the world outside coincide with Christian doctrine, and you can’t put the nature of a lamb in a pig. Polygamy would be better off for him. You may not believe it but God would look at polygamy and excuse it a lot quicker than what He would

Now, remember, don’t you say that I believe in polygamy; I don’t. I…?…what God said… Moses said that… The Pharisee said to Jesus, said, “Why did Moses suffer a writing of divorcement?”

Said, “He did it because the hardness of your heart.” Right. But it wasn’t so from the beginning, never will be. God did it because of the hardness of their heart.

But in the nations where they have polygamy the divorce courts are at ebb, low. But in here where we’re trying to make and govern this country as a nation, because being a Christian nation, but the name of Christian nation doesn’t make it a Christian nation. And you cannot govern the world by the rules of God. You can’t. I have no–nothing against a sinner drinking. I have nothing against a sinner committing adultery, nothing against the sinner doing this. But what I’m talking about is these people who are supposed to be Christians and then doing that.


  209    The divorce courts of America produce more divorces by our women than all the rest of the nations. The morals in our country is lower, and divorces, than it is in France or Italy, where prostitution’s on the streets so… But they’re prostitutes; ours is married women trying to live with several men, and several married men trying to live with other women.

In the nations where they have polygamy, it’s a thousand times better. And yet, polygamy’s wrong; we know.


  102      So was Hagar misunderstood. And she had her child, little Ishmael, that was the fruit of her womb, from a legal marriage to her husband Abraham. And she was–she was a slave girl. And she had been given by her mistress, Sarah, to Abraham, to wife; which, polygamy was legal in them days. And she lawfully had married the man, because she had been given to him. She had bore the child, just what their hopes was. There’s nothing the woman had done out of the way. And, yet, misunderstood by her mistress, and put her out into the wilderness to die. What a place to be!





«  781       †        Listen here, the man is the ruler; don’t you think you can rule the house. You’re not the ruler of the house. You’re absolutely… You’re not a slave now, but you’re a helpmate. And Adam… The man has the rule over his wife, and he’s responsible solely for his wife. God makes the man answer for his wife. Now, read and see if God says that now.

For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forsomuch as he is in the image and the glory of God:…


«  E-27       †        So anyhow, but, oh, my, it’s all right. But you little weakling man. I’m ashamed of you as Christian brothers, will let your wife do such a thing as that; it shows what you are made out of. That’s right.

Now, women, you ought to say, “Amen” after fussing at you like that ’cause he’s the ruler. That’s right. And the way he let you live, it’s his fault. God’s going to hold him responsible for it. That’s right. If you ain’t man enough to take up and put your own house in order, God be merciful to you. That’s right. ‘Cause the Bible said in the very beginning, that, “He shall rule over thee.”

Now, she’s not a doormat now; she’s your sweetheart. See? But you should set down and talk to her, and reason it with her, and tell her, and read the Bible, and pray together. These things wouldn’t be in the church then, if you done that. That’s right.


189    If our sisters hasn’t had the grace before, may it be granted now, Lord. If our brothers hasn’t had the grace, may it be granted now. And may, in humility, mother with her children, instead of being arrogant. She knows she is setting… She is a preacher to them little children. Her life is an example. Dad is an example to mother, for he is the head of the house. The mother has been trying to boss him around; she’ll never do it no more. If he’s been using her for a floor mat, it’ll never be done no more. She’s a helpmate. Grant it, Lord. May all these things that hinder us, Lord, be taken away.


«  51       †        “A good woman is a jewel in a man’s crown,” said the wisest man on earth. A man ought to honor a good woman, see. “But an evil one is water in his blood,” and his blood is his life. You men that’s got good wives, you don’t know how you ought to thank God for a good wife! For if God could’ve give a man anything better for a helpmate, He’d have done it. But a woman is the best helpmate that God could give a man. But when they turn…


«  113       †        Adam had done named all of the creation, everything else. But he wasn’t nothing for himself, so He made Him a helpmate: took a rib from his side, closed up the gash, and made a helpmate to him. And man in his spirit was both man and woman. And a woman is just a part of a man.

And when a man takes to himself a wife, and if she’s correctly his wife, a God-given wife, she’ll be just to him as part of him.

That’s the reason you have so many scruples in the marriage. Is because you go out and see some girl with pretty brown eyes, or blue eyes, or something like that, some pretty figure, and you fall for her. First time she has her first baby them teeth comes out, and she gets wrinkled and old, and then you want to kick her out.

And some of you women find some little boy with his hair slicked down, his mammy’s lard can half dumped on it, and curly; it’ll all fall out. I know that by experience. But what happens? What is it? You fall for that. You ought to pray first, ’cause a woman is part of you.


«  E-36       †        And you, woman, that take another man in your arm, you’ve marred the mold that you were taken from. Remember that. When you act like a man, you’re out of your place. And when man begins to get sissy too, and babying and this, that, and the other, he’s out of his place. He’s boss; he’s ruler. Not… Now, I don’t mean a floor mat; I just said a ruler, a helpmate. Not to kick women around, they’re not…

But the Bible said… God said in the creation, “You shall rule over you.” Not to be a boss, but to be a helpmate, part of you. She’s sweet, and kind, and tender; you should lead her around sweetly, because she’s part of you. You go to mistreating her, then you’re mistreating yourself. And a man mentally right won’t do that. All right.


«  E-75       †        … If you’ve wandered away out into the world, and you women’s got to acting worldly, and you men’s got to letting them do it, shame on you. You’re supposed to be the boss of the house. You’re the ruler. The Bible said the man shall rule, not a dictator now, a floor mat. He made him a helpmate (See?), a sweetheart.



«  80       †          Now, they got so that… I was preaching the other night, somewhere, about women to obey their husband. Obey? Yeah. That went out of the marriage ritual, a long time ago. But they ain’t going to do that. No, sir. They live in America, and they let you know so. They’re not going to obey. But, as long as you don’t do it, don’t never try to call yourself a Christian, ’cause you’re not. I don’t care how much you dance and speak with tongues, if you don’t obey your husband, you’re out of the will of God.


«  74       †        Now, now, I think that would get that man and women… Now, a woman is… Let me get this in right good now, so that you can see. See? Woman is subject to her husband. And the Bible said that a man should rule over his wife. But how they’ve changed that. The woman rules over the man, “Now, you stay home, John. You’re not going.” And that settles it.

“Yes, my dear.” See?

But let me tell you something, mister. You are going to have to answer for your wife, but your wife is never going to have to answer for you. You are the head of the woman, and God is the head of man. Therefore He said, “Let the man cut his hair because of Christ. And let the woman have her hair, for if she cuts her hair she dishonors her husband.” See? See what I mean or what the Scripture says?


Now a woman is not meant to have an iron disposition. She is, according to the Holy Scripture, to be submissive to the male. That is commanded of her. Woman who is truly female, all female, will be of that disposition. Not a doormat. No real male makes a female a doormat. But she will want to be under authority and not rule over the male, for he is the head of the house. If she breaks that image that God made for her, she is perverted. Any male that lets the woman take authority has also broken that image and he is perverted. That is why a woman CANNOT WEAR THAT WHICH PERTAINETH TO A MAN OR CUT HER HAIR. She is never to wear garments that pertain to a male or cut her hair. When she does she is intruding into the male domain taking authority and perverting herself. And when a woman invades the pulpit which it is COMMANDED SHE MUST NOT DO, she shows what spirit she is of. Being a dominating female is antichrist and the seeds of the Roman Catholic Church are in her though she may deny this ever so vehemently. But when it COMES TO THE WORD, Let God be true and every man’s word a lie. Amen.


144    Sarah, the most beautiful woman in the land, the Bible said so. She was fair, the fairest of all the women. And now she even stayed and obeyed her husband, to even she called him her “lord,” who the Bible refers to, plumb over in–in the New Testament; said, “Whose daughters you are, as long as you obey the faith.” See, called her husband her “lord.”


It is most worthy of note that the very name Thyatira means, “Dominating Female.” Thus this age is characterized by a dominant force, a force that ruthlessly invades all, conquers all and despotically controls. Now a dominating female is the greatest curse in the world. The wisest man the world ever saw was Solomon, and he said,

 “I applied my heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness;

And I find more BITTER THAN DEATH THE WOMAN, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the SINNER shall be taken by her.

Behold, this I have found, saith the preacher, counting one by one to find out the account;

Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not. One man amongst a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.”


«  187       †        429. Brother Branham, the Bible tells us that a–a wife should obey her husband. I am a Christian and my husband is a sinner. He persecutes me in every way that he can, and for me not to go to church, and read my Bible, and–and denies the Word. What should I do?

What should you do? Now, listen, you’re supposed to obey your husband; that’s the Word. Now, if he tells you and refuses you to read the Bible, go to church, or something like that, you don’t have to obey that, because, “He that will–won’t forsake his father, mother, husband, wife, or whatever it is and follow Me, is not worthy of Mine.” That right?


«  188       †        No, don’t… The man are suppose–you’re not… A man’s not supposed to use that authority over a woman just because he’s her ruler. God is her ruler above you, brother. See? And if your wife is doing something wrong, then don’t–then you got a right to tell her, and she’s supposed to listen to you. But you haven’t got no right to beat her, or drag her around, or–or do those things. No, sir.

You see, God made man a helpmate, not a doormat. Remember, she’s–she was your sweetheart; she should always be that.


«  80       †        Could you imagine coming in at nighttime, tired, weary, worn? If you’re a farmer, mechanic, preacher, whatever you are, come in, when you go into your little home, you’re longing till you can get there. You open the door and a sweet little wife stands there; she greets you. She’s all prettied and cleaned up. She walks over and kisses you on the cheek; she said, “Dad, you’re tired.” She sets you down in a chair; she sets herself down on your lap; she puts her arms around you, and she pats you. It just seems like then that you’re not tired; something picks you up. It’s something that God gave you for that purpose. It’s a part of you, now if she’s a true wife.


«  256       †          Notice, He can put her away, but she cannot put Him away. He did it, has proved it, in the days when Luther, Wesley, and Pentecost, when they refused to become the further part of Him by having spiritual sexual affair to become pregnated with further part of the Word. You understand? She refused. The Lutheran church refused for Christ to have any more desire with her; Luther refused it. And let me say this, going to call me something anyhow; so is it today with every one of them, they fail to take that Word, they refuse Christ!

257    And any woman that refuses a man his child, has no right to be a wife to him. Amen. You remember, in the Bible, when the king married Esther? Because the queen refused, he just got him another one. And when the… What happened when she refused to come out with the king and obey him? The same thing it is with a woman that refuses to be wife to her husband.


«  E-48       †        This morning I was talking. I thought, “What…” Now, in closing. I thought this, “What is any sweeter in a man’s life, what is any sweeter than to come home when he’s tired and weary with his little bucket in his hand from working all day, or plowing, or whatever he might be, to walk in and have a lovely wife to meet him at the door, set down on his lap a minute, and brush his brow a little, and kiss him on the cheek, and put her arms around him and say, ‘Dear, I–I know you’re tired. You’ve worked so hard.’ and give him consolation. How that he knows that that arm is around him is absolutely his. It’s his. Never is it around any other man or any other desire. The kiss that’s on his cheek is from real pure holy heart, that just loves him and him alone. How it makes you…” I know.

Makes you stick your chest out and say, “Well I’m not so tired after all.” See? That’s it, it does something to you.


«  150       †          What happens? Out of marriage… Here is another place in the Bible. Out of marriage goes the vow, “obey.” Obey? “A keeper at home, chaste, of good works.”

She laughs in your face and goes to the powder plant, somebody’s office. “My husband…” Yeah. Oh, I doubt that.

You see forces today, such a disgrace, put women on the police force. If that isn’t a mark of–of debauchery among any city! As many man is out of work, and they have to put them women out there, when the Bible said she is to “stay home and be a chaste keeper at home.” But she keeps all the boss’ books, and yours, too. Yes. That’s right.

I ain’t talking about good women now. I’m not throwing this to you women that’s really godly women. God bless you. That’s on tape, or wherever more.

But I’m talking about, where you find one like that, you find fifteen hundred the other way. They won’t listen to a Word. “Keep your Bible! Preach It to yourself. We don’t want to hear It.” Obey? Oh!


«  151       †          She might say this, “You tell your Bible stories to somebody else. Keep your God to somebody else, and leave me alone. What are you hollering at me about? I never did ask you to say these things.” I know, but God did. See? So that’s all.

152    So they still corrupt the way. Just as they did in the days of the Lord, just as they did in that day, so do they today, just the same. It hasn’t changed. It doesn’t change. It won’t change.

153    Juvenile delinquency finally gets her children. The jail gets part of the women and the man, and hell takes the whole thing, that’s exactly right, finally swallows them all up. And the preaching seems to go over the top of their backs. They never listen to It. They’re going to have their own. You can tell them the Bible says This. They say, “Keep your Bible. We’re going to have our fun.”


«  154       †          I can hear some of you sisters saying now, maybe not right present, but hear you saying, “Who, me obey my husband? Huh! I make him obey me.” But there is where you’re wrong. “Stay at home, chaste? I don’t care what the Bible says about it, you leave me alone!” Listen, sister, that wasn’t in, back in the Dark Ages, that’s the voice of today. That never happened so much back in the antediluvian, it happens today too. That’s the same thing.

155    Again they say, “I’m a modern woman. I live in America.” Well, that’s no more than you live in a hog pen. It wouldn’t make a bit of difference to God where you lived. You are what you are in your heart. That’s right. And don’t think, sister, that you’re so modern, that you’re one of these modern women, as you want to say today. You’re from a way back, according to this Bible, in dark ages, in the antediluvian time. In the time of Noah, that’s when they did the same thing. So you’re not so very modern, after all, are you? See? That’s the way they acted in the antediluvian world. See? And that’s the way they’re acting today, so it must be dark age again, back in the great dark beyond.


«  E-33       †        Now, I just left Chicago a few weeks, and I come home. And being so tired, I could hardly get up. And at home, bless their heart, the people come… You can’t turn them down after you get there. So you just–you just have to minister to those…?…

We haven’t eaten one time in our house, (We’ve been living five years) with the shades up. That’s right.

My wife, I guess they introduced her tonight here; they was going too. She’s thirty-four years old and almost completely gray, as you notice. If there’s any credit to be given to the Branham family, it doesn’t come to me, give it to her. She’s the one who stood between me and the door, helping the people, doing all that we can. Bless your heart, may God give her a piece in–in the Kingdom of God.

Only… A preacher can hardly realize what a preacher’s wife goes through. You know it, brother. I’m so glad God give us a helpmate. Aren’t you? Yes, sir.

A man that’s got a good loyal wife ought to be so true and loyal to her. And she that’s got a good husband ought to be the same way. Look at the world today and how it is in chaos.



«  53       †        But to face up to responsibilities, sometimes it takes the very hide off of us, to do that. As a father, to face up the responsibility, to give your child a whipping. Them little fellows, you don’t want to do that. But as a father or a mother, you’ve got to face the responsibility of raising that child, because the Bible said, “Spare the rod and you’ll spoil your son.” And that still stands good in the sight of every psychologist there is in the world. That still remains God’s Truth. If there had been more of that practiced, we wouldn’t have had so much juvenile delinquency and stuff, and the rot we got in the world today. But the old golden rule of the home has been broken, long time ago, and they let the kids do whatever they want to.


«  E-39       †        Oh, if we had more fathers and mothers tonight so interested in their children, that would offer the shed Blood of the Lamb for their child every night at the throne of grace, we wouldn’t have so much carrying on as we have amongst young folks. So he said, “Peradventure they might’ve sinned. I don’t know they have, but to make sure…”

Mothers, you know, it’s a shame today, and fathers, to how uninterested we are in children, and the little juveniles. You let the kids go out, and just do as they please, run out all night long, and everything, and come in, and seem to be so unconcerned about it. Let your girls go out with boys that smoke and drink, and go to gambling devices, and dance all night, and come in. Then you say you’re Christians and permit such stuff as that? That’s not right. We should take them to the Lord.


«  E-18       †        Now, but today with all of our modern convenience, and instead of reading the Bible to her children, will turn the television on and let them look at something that’s not even fit for them to look at. Now, that’s right. That’s right. And another thing, we’ll give them these little old comic books, and little old story books off of some drugstore mantle that oughtn’t to even be sold to make–make kindling wood out of, or fire out of. And yet we poke all that kind of stuff down our children’s necks. Why, the American… I bet you there’s–that nearly every boy in America can tell you who Davy Crockett was. But I imagine there isn’t one third of them can tell you Who Jesus Christ is. That’s right. Oh, the Lone Ranger, or somebody like that, or some movie star, they know all about it because it’s laid before them. And the Bible is the Book that’s put away. And when the minister comes, they dig it out, and dust it off and lay it up like that. It’s never read. What we need today is some good old fashion mothers back to take their children back to prayer. That’s the best remedy I know of to cure juvenile delinquency (That’s right.), is good old honest mothers.


«  E-41       †        And so when they let me off at my floor, I walked along the side. And I heard a noise up the end of the hall. And I looked and there stood two young American women with just their underneath garment on, just as drunk as they could be, both of them, perhaps, married woman, ’cause they was woman in their thirties, just with the little underneath garment on, a bottle of whiskey, coming down through that hall, and men dragging them from room to room.

Mamas, having a little innocent fun. Maybe their husbands were home baby setting, or some hired child is taking care of their children. God gave you them children to take care of them yourself, and it’s your responsible to God. We don’t have juvenile delinquency; it’s parent delinquency. Some mothers has got away from their duty. They want to run to barrooms, and carry on, and run all night long, and leave their children grow up. No wonder they grow up in that neurotic age. God gave you that child to raise and to take care of.


«  57       †        And also, we find that homes, which is the backbone of the nation and of the church, we find homes broke up, and divorce courts just overrun with divorces. Juvenile delinquency of–of mothers leaving their little children with babysitters and–and taking off out to work and somewhere when their husbands got good jobs, but they’re just not satisfied to be a mother and stay at home. They’re not satisfied to dress like ladies; they–they want to dress like men. Men wants to be like women. And they–they just–there just seems to be something wrong somewhere. And people are reaching for something and can’t find it. That’s a pitiful condition to be into.


«  E-33       †        Wherever that place is, whether it’s another dimension. I could not tell you, but I was somewhere that I could look back. And everybody’s always accused me of being a woman hater. I–I don’t hate women. No, sir, I do not. I–I like my sisters, but I don’t like the way some of these modern American women dress and act, and smoke, and drink, and carry on. It’s a disgrace to the nation. It’s the greatest fifth columnist, we ever had, is the way these modern women do and things, when they can’t even raise their baby by the breast; they have to give it cow’s milk. It’ll die in eighteen months because of nicotine poison. Yes, sir. You talk about a fifth columnist; that’s it. That’s what breaks the back of every nation, is it’s womanhood, always has been.

I like real women, real mothers. God gives us more real, old time mothers, that we wouldn’t have as much juvenile delinquency if we had a mother stay home and take care of her kids, instead of out somewhere with a cocktail party, and these little babysitters trying to take care of it somewhere. That’s right. That’s what poisons the mind of the children. The–America’s rotten with it to the core, getting worse all the time, and will continue to get worse. There’s nothing… I’d give my voice against it, but it’s going on, because the Scripture said so. It’ll die in its youth, this nation. Now remember, in Revelations 13, when it appears, it always is youthful. That’s the little–the Lamb’s come up.


«  10       †        Now, friends, I know them’s, each one, is the prettiest baby in the world. I know that. I know better than to say anything else about that. That’s right. And that’s the way you should feel.

They’re little treasures that God has given you the responsibility of raising. And I’ve always said and made this kind of a saying to mothers. We know, written of four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But there’s a fifth Gospel, unwritten; that’s mother. She gets them before Matthew-Mark-Luke-and-John’s teaching gets them. So the responsibilities is placed upon you mothers and you fathers to raise these children to the–for the Kingdom of God. And I’m sure that’s your heart’s desire.



307      Friends, and then I’m closing, you can go from this. That’s when This was being revealed to me, what I’m going to tell you right now, so don’t miss It.

308    Now I’m speaking to our followers only, who is following me and this Message only, not the outside. Bear me record of this before God. Just to this group only!

309    Now we are found in this mess because of misinterpreted theology. Is that right? That’s why you women married the second time, and you men, because misinterpreted theology. Now I want to show you something that He told me.

310    And if God, our Creator, was questioned the question when He was here on earth, Jesus Christ; and when His delivering prophet came forth, Moses, down in Egypt, to bring the children out of–of Egypt, to put them in the promised land; and Jesus said here that Moses seen the people in this condition, and he granted them a writing of divorcement, because the situation was what it was. Moses found such, as, “Let him suffer…” God permitted Moses, that prophet sent to the people, to grant this writing of divorcement to them.


311      And in First Corinthians, the–the 7th chapter, the 12th and 15th verse, in the New Testament prophet, Paul, who met the same thing in the church, and spoke this, “This is I, not the Lord.” That right? Because of the divorce condition.

312    “It wasn’t so from the beginning.” But Moses was permitted it, and God recognized it righteousness. And Paul also had a right, when he found his church in that condition.

313    Now you believe This to be true, and believe It to come from God! And by the vindication of His Cloud and His Message that’s brought me this far, should not God upon the mountain permit me to do the same thing, to suffer you to go on the way you are, and do it no more! Go with your wives and live in peace, for the hour is late. The Coming of the Lord is at hand. We haven’t got time to break these things up. Don’t you dare try to do it again! I’m speaking only to my congregation. But if you are married… And God bore me witness of that, on the mountain, that I could say This, a supernatural revelation, because of the opening of the Seven Seals, and this is a question in God’s Word. “Let them go on in as they are, and sin no more!”


  314      “It wasn’t so from the beginning.” That is right, it wasn’t so, and it will not be at the end. But under modern conditions, as God’s servant… I won’t call myself His prophet; but I believe maybe, if I wouldn’t be sent for that, I’m laying a ground for him when he does come. So under the modern conditions, I command you to go to your home, with your wife now. If you are happy with her, live with her, raise your children in the admonition of God. But God be merciful to you if you ever do that again! You teach your children to never do a thing like that, bring them up in the admonition of God. And now that you are as you are, let us go now, at the late evening hour that we’re living in, and “press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ,” where all things will be possible.

315    Until I see you tonight, the Lord God bless you, while we pray.


«  29       †          So, maybe, before we leave… We got to go back now, in about thirty days, you know, back to Arizona. And so if, before I leave, the Lord willing, I would like to take the Scripture. And don’t tape it. If they do, don’t sell the tape. Don’t let it get out. I want to explain the real Truth of marriage and divorce. It’s a question. And this is the last hours, that, “When all the mysteries of God should be finished.” And yesterday, coming up across the mountains, about daylight, the Holy Spirit seemed to say to me, “Tape that and lay it away,” I don’t know why, but, “the real Truth of marriage and divorce.”

30    Some of them says, “People can marry, if they can swear they was in adultery.” And others says, “Well, if they mistreat one another, and–and they can’t live together; it’s better to live, earth, in peace, than live in hell on earth.” And all those different questions! And some marry them just any old way. And some wants to sprinkle holy water on them, and turn them back, and say, “They never was married.” And blessed them, and turn them over to the church again. There’s all kind of confusion. But, if there’s that much confusion, there’s a Truth somewhere.

31    I believe, and say this with reverence, I believe the Lord has revealed it to me, and I… the Truth. And if it would get amongst the churches, it’d tear the thing to pieces. Which, maybe it ought to be. But it’s… I’d rather just let the pastors, just let the pastors of the churches, get the tape. And let them play it, and then they can lead from there on. But I’d like to just tape that, to show the real Truth of it. I believe this is the hour when these “mysteries are to be finished,” completed. They been struck on, as we said, down through the ages, of the tapes, as we’ve brought those Seven Seals, and Seven Church Ages.

Faustin Lukumuena


End Time Message Tabernacle

Denver, Colorado/USA